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Forum Maintenance between 04:00 - 06:00 UTC ×
Forum Maintenance between 04:00 - 06:00 UTC


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Everything posted by maverickturner

  1. Hey Miles! It's F99th -=MAVERICK=-! I remember you frequently mentioning this to me during our long Huey flights over Nevada and I had just found it recently in the forums. I have to say, this is incredibly impressive. It's cool to think back to some of the conversations we were having where you were describing some tech and production issues and to see where the project is now.. absolutely awesome bud. I'll be ordering one soon! Keep up the great work!
  2. Will do! Sorry, I had stepped away with work stuff for a bit. I'll begin confirming what has been added and what is still being requested and update this list ASAP. Thank you guys for keeping up the incredible work. If you see anything on the front page that has been implemented, please let me know. I'll be updating over the next few days.
  3. Thanks for working with us! I'm sure I can speak for everyone here when we say we are genuinely appreciative of this. I'll update the list accordingly as things are added.
  4. Great work here! I opened it up and took a look and there is a lot of helpful additions. I'll definitely be using a few of these until they are officially added.
  5. List updated to reflect today's additions. Thanks for hearing us and working with us Heatblur!
  6. Added to the list! Thanks! Just excited to see the F-14 become everything we've looked forward to. Hope it helps HB out.
  7. The Master Arm switch has an option to do this where it raises the cover when setting to ARM and closes when OFF. I find it to be extremely helpful. It proves that they are definitely able to work that in so I will add that request to the ideas list.
  8. That's the idea behind this thread. We are looking to gather as many missing/requested key binds as possible and assist HB in fixing some in order to make the process much less time consuming on their end. Hopefully, we can get this sooner rather than later but I can understand how this wouldn't be the highest priority for them at the moment. If you find any that you desire that isn't on the main list, please let me know and I'll add it.
  9. No this holds when the switch is switched to the desired state. When I flip a switch up, it will hold Oxygen On, However, when I flip it back down, it will turn to Oxygen off. If the switches are spring loaded, then this does not work. That is more of a Toggle State. Check the bindings that I have added to the front page of this thread. They are all tested and work with this practice.
  10. {down = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, up = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, value_down = -1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id=devices.GEARHOOK, name = _('Anti Skid Spoiler BK Switch Spoiler BK, else OFF'), category = _('Gears, brakes, and hook')}, {down = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, up = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id=devices.GEARHOOK, name = _('Anti Skid Spoiler BK Switch BOTH, else OFF'), category = _('Gears, brakes, and hook')}, You basically assign a down press and an up press and then a value to both. so for a 3-way switch, you would need two separate sections. See the Anti-Skid above as an example. Had to learn this a while back as a TM Warthog user :thumbup:
  11. YES! I saw this post and was going to ask you about it. A lot of people stepped up and did the same thing when the AV8B launched missing a lot of bindings. If you don't mind, I was going to go through your list here and see if I can rename them to match HB's categories as well as make some Toggle/else state switches. Hopefully, if we create something that is quality, HB and just copy it and paste it into the main controls after a brief review. Great work!
  12. What do you have it bound as? There is a 'Hook Extend, else Retract' that acts as a two-way switch. Not seeing one work as a toggle. The Kneel button has been confirmed added by HB in a recent post, pending the next update so I removed it from the list.
  13. Oh Snap! We have a celebrity here! haha Thanks, Cobra! by no means is this a complaint list, just looking to help facilitate the process.
  14. Gotcha Rlaxoxo. I saw some of your suggestions in another post as well and added them in. These are some good QoL ideas.
  15. Edit - Left and Right engine idle is available. labeled as Left/Right Engine Cutoff Added those suggestions and bugs. The "else" binding is for two-way and three-way switches. If I flip a switch to one position, it does the action. If I flip it back down, it does the "else" action. These types of bindings are commonly used with the TM Warthog HOTAS for their 2-way and 3-way switches.
  16. For everyone requesting more binding options, please add them here in this post so it can receive more attention. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=235229. Quite a few needed binding options are still missing.
  17. Amazing aircraft HB! I understand this is of course early access and you guys probably have plans to implement all of these bindings at some point. However, I thought it would be helpful to create a working list for some of the current bugged/missing/requested bindings. This would be super helpful for those of us with Voice Attack, button boxes and/or home cockpit setups. The more bindable cockpit options, the better! I'll edit the list as suggestions are added. EDIT: ATTN Heatblur, the following inputs have been adjusted to match exactly how you have them labeled in the binding options and I have personally tested them. They should be quickly transferable to operational use if you desired. We will add more as they are completed. Big thanks to user @Alerax for throwing the foundations of this together. {down = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, up = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, value_down = -1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id=devices.GEARHOOK, name = _('Anti Skid Spoiler BK Switch Spoiler BK, else OFF'), category = _('Gears, brakes, and hook')}, {down = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, up = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id=devices.GEARHOOK, name = _('Anti Skid Spoiler BK Switch BOTH, else OFF'), category = _('Gears, brakes, and hook')}, {down = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, cockpit_device_id = devices.GEARHOOK, value_down = -1, name = _('Anti Skid Spoiler BK Switch SPOILER BK'), category = { _('Gears, brakes, and hook')}}, {down = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, cockpit_device_id = devices.GEARHOOK, value_down = 0, name = _('Anti Skid Spoiler BK Switch OFF'), category = { _('Gears, brakes, and hook')}}, {down = device_commands.BRAKE_AntiSkidAndSpoilerBrake, cockpit_device_id = devices.GEARHOOK, value_down = 1, name = _('Anti Skid Spoiler BK Switch BOTH'), category = { _('Gears, brakes, and hook')}}, {down = device_commands.PilotOxygenOn, cockpit_device_id = devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, value_down = 0, name = _('Pilot Oxygen OFF'), category = { _('Left sidewall')}}, {down = device_commands.PilotOxygenOn, cockpit_device_id = devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, value_down = 1, name = _('Pilot Oxygen ON'), category = { _('Left sidewall')}}, {down = device_commands.PilotOxygenOn, up = device_commands.PilotOxygenOn, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.COCKPITMECHANICS, name = _('Pilot Oxygen ON, else OFF'), category = _('Left sidewall')}, {down = device_commands.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepCover, cockpit_device_id = devices.WINGSWEEP, value_down = 0, name = _('Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Cover CLOSE'), category = { _('Throttle')}}, {down = device_commands.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepCover, cockpit_device_id = devices.WINGSWEEP, value_down = 1, name = _('Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Cover OPEN'), category = { _('Throttle')}}, {down = device_commands.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepCover, up = device_commands.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepCover, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.WINGSWEEP, name = _('Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Cover OPEN else CLOSED'), category = _('Throttle')}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Probe_Anti_Ice, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, value_down = -1, name = _('Eng/Probe Anti Ice OFF'), category = { _('External Enviroment')}}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Probe_Anti_Ice, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, value_down = 0, name = _('Eng/Probe Anti Ice AUTO'), category = { _('External Enviroment')}}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Probe_Anti_Ice, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, value_down = 1, name = _('Eng/Probe Anti Ice ORIDE'), category = { _('External Enviroment')}}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Probe_Anti_Ice, up = device_commands.ENGINE_Probe_Anti_Ice, value_down = -1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, name = _('Eng/Probe Anti Ice OFF, else AUTO'), category = _('External Enviroment')}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Probe_Anti_Ice, up = device_commands.ENGINE_Probe_Anti_Ice, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, name = _('Eng/Probe Anti Ice ORIDE, else AUTO'), category = _('External Enviroment')}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Asym_LimiterCover, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, value_down = 0, name = _('Asymmetric Thrust Limiter Cover CLOSE'), category = { _('Engine Control Panel')}}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Asym_LimiterCover, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, value_down = 1, name = _('Asymmetric Thrust Limiter Cover OPEN'), category = { _('Engine Control Panel')}}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Asym_LimiterCover, up = device_commands.ENGINE_Asym_LimiterCover, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, name = _('Asymmetric Thrust Limiter Cover OPEN else CLOSED'), category = _('Engine Control Panel')}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Asym_Limiter, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, value_down = 0, name = _('Asymmetric Thrust Limiter ON'), category = { _('Engine Control Panel')}}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Asym_Limiter, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, value_down = 1, name = _('Asymmetric Thrust Limiter OFF'), category = { _('Engine Control Panel')}}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Asym_Limiter, up = device_commands.ENGINE_Asym_Limiter, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, name = _('Asymmetric Thrust Limiter OFF else ON'), category = _('Engine Control Panel')}, {down = device_commands.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_Switch, cockpit_device_id = devices.HYDRAULICS, value_down = 0, name = _('Hydraulic Transfer Pump Switch NORMAL'), category = { _('Right Sidewall')}}, {down = device_commands.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_Switch, cockpit_device_id = devices.HYDRAULICS, value_down = 1, name = _('Hydraulic Transfer Pump Switch SHUTOFF'), category = { _('Right Sidewall')}}, {down = device_commands.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_Switch, up = device_commands.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_Switch, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.HYDRAULICS, name = _('Hydraulic Transfer Pump Switch SHUTOFF else NORMAL'), category = _('Right Sidewall')}, {down = device_commands.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_SwitchCover, cockpit_device_id = devices.HYDRAULICS, value_down = 0, name = _('-Hydraulic Transfer Pump Switch Cover CLOSE'), category = { _('Right Sidewall')}}, {down = device_commands.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_SwitchCover, cockpit_device_id = devices.HYDRAULICS, value_down = 1, name = _('-Hydraulic Transfer Pump Switch Cover OPEN'), category = { _('Right Sidewall')}}, {down = device_commands.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_SwitchCover, up = device_commands.HYD_TRANSFER_PUMP_SwitchCover, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.HYDRAULICS, name = _('Hydraulic Transfer Pump Switch Cover OPEN else CLOSE'), category = _('Right Sidewall')}, {down = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed_Cover, cockpit_device_id = devices.FUELSYSTEM, value_down = 0, name = _('Fuel Feed Cover CLOSE'), category = { _('Fuelsystem Control Panel')}}, {down = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed_Cover, cockpit_device_id = devices.FUELSYSTEM, value_down = 1, name = _('Fuel Feed Cover OPEN'), category = { _('Fuelsystem Control Panel')}}, {down = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed_Cover, up = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed_Cover, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.FUELSYSTEM, name = _('Fuel Feed Cover OPEN else CLOSE'), category = _('Fuelsystem Control Panel')}, {down = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed, cockpit_device_id = devices.FUELSYSTEM, value_down = -1, name = _('Fuel Feed AFT'), category = { _('Fuelsystem Control Panel')}}, {down = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed, cockpit_device_id = devices.FUELSYSTEM, value_down = 0, name = _('Fuel Feed NORM'), category = { _('Fuelsystem Control Panel')}}, {down = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed, cockpit_device_id = devices.FUELSYSTEM, value_down = 1, name = _('Fuel Feed FWD'), category = { _('Fuelsystem Control Panel')}}, {down = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed, up = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.FUELSYSTEM, name = _('Fuel Feed FWD else NORM'), category = _('Fuelsystem Control Panel')}, {down = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed, up = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Fuel_Feed, value_down = -1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.FUELSYSTEM, name = _('Fuel Feed AFT else NORM'), category = _('Fuelsystem Control Panel')}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Throttle_Mode, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, value_down = -1, name = _('Throttle Mode MAN'), category = { _('Throttle')}}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Throttle_Mode, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, value_down = 0, name = _('Throttle Mode BOOST'), category = { _('Throttle')}}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Throttle_Mode, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, value_down = 1, name = _('Throttle Mode AUTO'), category = { _('Throttle')}}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Throttle_Mode, up = device_commands.ENGINE_Throttle_Mode, value_down = -1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, name = _('Throttle Mode MAN else BOOST'), category = _('Throttle')}, {down = device_commands.ENGINE_Throttle_Mode, up = device_commands.ENGINE_Throttle_Mode, value_down = 1, value_up = 0, cockpit_device_id = devices.ENGINE, name = _('Throttle Mode AUTO else BOOST'), category = _('Throttle')}, NOTE - These do not include TOGGLE options which are still highly desirable. Players can add these key binds by copying the above code and pasting in C:\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\F14\Input\F-14B-Pilot\keyboard\default.lua. NOTE - These will be erased at each update until HB bakes them into the mod its self. These are all subject to change pending HB's ultimate naming/category decision. Bugs AFCS Yaw Stabilization ON - doesn't work with binding When rebinding Pilot/RIO Seat selection (1 and 2), cannot return to Pilot Seat. AOA Indexer brightness doesn't work when bound Refuel Probe extend, Refuel Fuselage, else Retract Probe - reversed. else state sets extend, extend sets else state. "If you're flying RIO multiplayer, and get disconnected, when you reconnect, it uses the pilot controls so you can't do anything" "if point your mouse over INS status indicator, the mouse pointer will change to a toggle for the pilot oxygen." "ECMD brightness must be clicked and dragged, doesn't behave as the other knobs. Is that intentional?" RIO White Flood Lights not working ARC 159: Guard and Preset pushbutton are mixed up Radar stabilization binding is reversed. "Stab in, else out" does "Stab out, else in" and vice versa Added / Implememnted ** ADDED - Airbrake Toggle ** ADDED - Emergency Jettison ** ADDED - Hook Toggle ** ADDED - Anti Skid Spoiler ** ADDED - Walkman Volume Control -/+ ** ADDED - Parking Brake (On else Off) ** ADDED - AutoPilot Engage - OFF Toggle ** ADDED - Oxygen TOn/Off/On, else Off ** ADDED - Oxygen TOn/Off/On, else Off Button Bind - Requests Emergency Wing Sweep Handle (Push In/Pull Out/Toggle) Altimeter Mode select switch RESET / STDBY Canopy OPEN Canopy CLOSE Ejection seat ARM Ejection seat SAFE EMERG Hydraulic Pump Throttle Set Left/Right IDLE Throttle Set Left/Right CUTOFF Asymmetric Thrust Limiter Switch/Cover Flaps Toggle Ram Air INCR/DECR Air Source RAM / L ENG / R ENG / BOTH ENG / OFF / Inc / Dec Master Test Switch Up/DWN/Toggle RIO Specific Button Bind Jettison station 1 (toggle and two positions) Jettison station 3 (toggle and two positions) Jettison station 4 (toggle and two positions) Jettison station 5 (toggle and two positions) Jettison station 6 (toggle and two positions) Jettison station 8 (toggle and two positions) DDD filter (toggle) AN/ALR-67 mode (toggle and two positions) DataLink Power On/Off/toggle Increase/Decrease Buttons Pilot - HSD Selected Course -/+ HSD Selected Heading -/+ HSD Brightness -/+ ICS Volume -/+ ALR-67 Volume -/+ Sidewinder Volume -/+ VHF\UHF ARC-182 Volume -/+ Wing Sweep Handle -/+ HUD Brightness -/+ VDI Brightness -/+ HUD Trim -/+ VDI Trim -/+ TACAN Volume -/+ BINGO Fuel Knob -/+ ATTK Mode: -/+ ELEC FUZE: -/+ Missle Speed Gate: -/+ TID Mode: -/+ TID Range: -/+ RWR Display Type: -/+ Rad Alt Bug -/+ Master Test Switch Wheel -/+ RIO Specific Increase/Decrease Buttons CAP Wheel Selection -/+ ICS aplifier selection Weapon interval x100ms +/- Weapon interval x10ms +/- Weapon quantity 10s +/- Weapon quantity 1s +/- Elec Fuse +/- Attk Mode +/- Wpn Type +/- Pulse video +/- Bright [DDD] +/- Pulse Gain +/- Erase video +/- Nav mode +/- Dest +/- TID contrast +/- TID Bright +/- ECMD brightness +/- AN/ALR-67 Display type +/- DECM ALQ-100 Power/mode +/- DECM ALQ-100 Audio/Off +/- Weapon Type Wheel +/- Axis Bind Pilot - HSD Selected Course HSD Selected Heading HSD Brightness ICS Volume ALR-67 Volume Sidewinder Volume VHF\UHF ARC-182 Volume Wing Sweep Handle HUD Brightness VDI Brightness HUD Trim VDI Trim TACAN Volume Flaps (multiple requests) Jester Menu directional axis (multiple requests) - possibly similar to TGP cursor on the TM Warthog throttle DLC axis Bind Ideas Jester - UI back button Jester - Option to open to the main menu instead of Radar mode Throttle Left/Right Engine Up/Down (Smooth) - QoL for keyboard users Hide Stick Bingo Fuel Knob rotation speed increase Jester - more direct binding options (go STT, adjust TID range, etc.) More Switch cover/switch combinations such as the MASTER ARM switch. Cover Up, Switch On. Hope this is helpful and thanks for all of the incredibly hard work you guys have put into this.
  18. The ICS binding has a little bug. Binding COLD MIC sets the switch to HOT MIC. Binding HOT MIC or RADIO OVERRIDE sets the switch to RADIO OVERRIDE.
  19. I've started working on a list of requested bindings found here. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=235229
  20. Amazing aircraft HB! I understand this is of course early access and you guys probably have plans to implement all of these bindings at some point. However, I thought it would be helpful to create a working list for some of the current missing/requested bindings. This would be super helpful for those of us with Voice Attack, button boxes and/or home cockpit setups. The more bindable cockpit options, the better! I'll edit the list as suggestions are added. Button Bind Nose Strut Oxygen On/Off Parking Brake Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Cover Emergency Wing Sweep Handle Push in/Pull Pilot - HSD Selected Course -/+ HSD Selected Heading -/+ HSD Brightness -/+ ICS Volume -/+ ALR-67 Volume -/+ Sidewinder Volume -/+ VHF\UHF ARC-182 Volume -/+ Wing Sweep Handle -/+ HUD Brightness -/+ VDI Brightness -/+ HUD Trim -/+ VDI Trim -/+ TACAN Volume -/+ BINGO Fuel Knob -/+ ATTK Mode: -/+ ELEC FUZE: -/+ Missle Speed Gate: -/+ TID Mode: -/+ TID Range: -/+ RWR Display Type: -/+ Axis Bind - also bindable as increase/decrease button options Pilot - HSD Selected Course HSD Selected Heading HSD Brightness ICS Volume ALR-67 Volume Sidewinder Volume VHF\UHF ARC-182 Volume Wing Sweep Handle HUD Brightness VDI Brightness HUD Trim VDI Trim TACAN Volume Hope this is helpful and thanks for all of the incredibly hard work you guys have put into this.
  21. Penalty for both coalitions? Is there a way to score a penalty on a table of units, regardless of their coalition? I have some BLUE and RED UN Helos that I want to score a penalty against if either is shot. I've looked around for this but can't seem to figure it out. I asked on the Discord as well but the func-scoring section seems to be quiet.
  22. Sorry for the late reply Gries but thank you. This was very helpful in helping me understand some key ideas.
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