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Everything posted by Sharkku

  1. Awesome! Hadn't read that one yet! Thanks! And mad respect to those who pinpointed those locations that fast!
  2. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=130939
  3. Yeah, loading up with AIM-120C:s and AIM-9X:s makes it a whole lot easier. It feels a little bit like cheating though... But damn, those Sparrows are useless. You are tied down with one target the whole time, right up until you get shot by his buddy.
  4. Tailwind on the upwind leg? :shifty:
  5. I second this. In fact, even if money is an issue, save up for this stick. If you can't save enough for it, you should sell your computer, get a job and stop playing flightsims anyway! ;)
  6. You should work on your manners. And no, I'm not going to "stow it".
  7. You seem a little agitated, did I step on a sore toe?
  8. Awesome mission! I'm getting there! 63 points last run! Thank you so much, Bankler!
  9. It may be unwise, but op wants to do it anyway. That's what matters. It's ok to give him advice, but just question him doesn't really help. That's why I reacted.
  10. No, not really. You would still see the aiming reticle, it just wouldn't follow your face, but the mouse movements instead. I would like to use it too, but it's convenient to just use your head to aim. And you can fly left seat and maneuver and aim at the same time, that's practical.
  11. I just read the latest news, and even though there is mention of old aircraft not being forgotten, and goodies for rotorheads, and several helicopters mentioned, there is no mention of the Huey. That sucks.
  12. Never mind why he wants that, he wants it, and that should be enough. That's an awful unhelpful response.
  13. Wow, that's really awesome feedback, pietpuk! I'm sure Cooler07 really appreciates that detailed description, so he can fix the mission he provided to you for free!
  14. But it is related. If the carrier is smaller in relation to the Hornet, it will cause the hook to strike earlier than it would otherwise, even if you are spot on glideslope. I will post a track when I get back from Christmas vacation. :) I found the video I was thinking of by the way: http://forums.eagle.ru:8080/showthread.php?t=225991 Thanks for the hint! But surely you mean the velocity vector, right? ;)
  15. I tend to hit the 1-wire everytime, even if I'm perfectly on glideslope, on speed. There is a thread somewhere with an analysis of the carrier geometry that shows Stennis is too small.
  16. I have only watched about 2/3 of the video yet, but it seems to me that you haven't accoued for that the wires are suspended a few inches above the deck? Or am I missing something? Very interesting video though, good work!
  17. Awesome! Thanks for replying, guys! Always good with a reality check! ;)
  18. @Chic I don't think it's arcadey to do it like that. I'm not a Huey pilot in real life, but I slow down exactly as you describe too in the sim. I started doing it simply because it's the most effective method. I have no doubt real pilots do it as well. Would be interesting to hear a real Huey driver pitch in!
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