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About 104th_Crunch

  • Birthday 08/30/1971

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  • Flight Simulators
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    Cambridge ON Canada
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  1. In the Viper at least, the TD Box shakes and jitters while locked on a target in 2.9. Is this an unannounced feature?! It looks more realistic now and in line with the all the HUD videos I see as the TD box never tracks perfect over the tagert. I have noticed this for many years, so if this is intentional, great job ED!
  2. What an excellent app! Thanks to all that helped put it together. Suggestions please: 1) Set default ICP page in Viper 2) Option for the DTC app to start in the Upload screen of a selected jet. Or not have to be in the Upload screen to load any jet. I am guessing this may be a limitation. Thanks again!
  3. The 1st item in today's 2.9 Change log! DCS: F-16C First in Weasels Over Syria Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims
  4. Thanks. I did the same to my Virpil Throttle. I wanted to stick to realism if possible.
  5. Is there a HOTAS command for VSR or can you only switch to it with the MFD button? Thanks
  6. The forums are packed with people with expectations and being upset when something is not done according to an update. Patience is a virtue.
  7. I just bought a nice new Mongoos T-50CM3 Throttle. This situation works both ways. If you use an encoder wheel, like the one on the Mongoos, it will control the F-16 Radar elevation nicely, as it is similar to the real F-16, but using an encoder wheel with the F-18 Radar elevation moves too slowly because it is set up to return to center. I realize this is accurate to the real planes, but it forces you to use 2 different controls on your HOTAS for each plane or use hat buttons for both which are the same. It would be nice to have the option to make the radar elevation of the F-18 work like the F-16, or conversely, have the F16 radar elevation work like the F-18. Thanks!
  8. Sorry, can you clarify. You mean no, it will appear as the same device with the add-on?
  9. I just spent hours mapping my new Winwing F16 stick in various games. I recently decided to order the EX attachment and it's in transit. Someone please tell me that the EX will not show as a new device in Windows?! Will it appear as the same device when you add the EX attachment or will it appear as a seperate new device? Thanks
  10. Thanks for your reply Prestonflying. It seems you are correct. I will map buttons in game instead. I did find RS Mapper which will map joystick commands to keyboard commands, but I did not want to run additional software. I will use RS mapper if I come across a sim/game that doesn't support all the buttons or the 4x32 mode. I always preferred to map using the HOTAS software and keyboard commands, so that even if you lose the settings in game, or need to reinstall, the HOTAS software would be ready to go. Saves having to remap everything again in game. I guess I just need to back up. I know DCS saves in the Saved Games folder. I am coming from 20 years of CH Products. While I find the Winwing stick hardware is an improvement, SimApp Pro doesn't begin to touch how great CH Control Manager software is.
  11. Just got a Orion 2 Base with the F-16 Stick. Using Simapp Pro, how would I simply assign the trigger button to send a keyboard press of 'Spacebar' for example? I want to setup the stick to send keyboard commands. I want to be able to do this in any sim. Not just DCS. I see you can setup DCS plane specific profiles, but again, it's not what I am looking for. Is it possible? Thanks!
  12. In the last video by Wags, he mentions that the handoff functionality is coming later on. I have a button mapped to my mini keyboard waiting for it.
  13. Parallax. Since the Targeting Pod and Maverick seeker are a distance apart, they will have a different line of site angle to the object that is targeted. the further away you boresight, the less that parallax issue becomes.
  14. You're welcome. I can only guess this is the best info that ED has publicly available. The next time I talk to a Viper Driver, this will be my first question!
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