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Everything posted by Nero.ger

  1. +1 had the same problems, takes ages to log in or not at all
  2. this is great news...if they want my money after the "steam-cutoff" :)
  3. the dark glass is super anoying, not only in the F5 but in other AC too. I hope this gets fixed soon
  4. it should be fixed if you relock/Range the target (if i remember correct)
  5. i had a similar problem with the Gazelle, it seems that some texture are no longer in use but will not be deleted. But the IC freaks out because "THAT SHOULD NOT BE THERE"
  6. ColdWar Server, suddenly lost main-hydrolics and the backseater was spamming "give me control" every few seconds. I was surprised i did not get a message, if i want to allow him to enter the plane. I twas super anoying because i use the mouse to look around i could not because the MsgBox was blocking the mouse. I check the trackfile and convertet into a mission and the Editor-option was set to "allways ask"
  7. can anyone confirm/deny that you can no longer deny players from Acessing the Rear seat?
  8. i find that the setting right now is perfect, you can spot ACs but they dont jump right into your eye. (of course without awacs you are F..)
  9. well again i am lost for words...you do not even try to understand why people are against the IC. doesn't Community Manager also means you are the connection between us and ED? trying to understeand our issues and take them to the Big guys upstairs? or am i wrong?
  10. and then people can Edit thier loadoutfiles and fly around with AIM54... what kind of a sugesstion is that. and for the second argument, ED unsupportet those MODs as in investing time and money devoloping the addition IC. but i see that arguments/statements from nearly ever customer fail to have any impact on People who represent ED, even if they come from people hosting servers for years. i am very disappointed in the way this issue is handled....
  11. maybe people just want to MOD to get a different landscape, like the awesome Vietnam textures. Will ED provide us with that? or a desert variant? so its not unreasonable, what on the other hand is unreasonable telling people that they dont need TexMods because the 2.5 will look so nice . lets do an experiement: allow server Admins to decide if they want to IC Texture Mods by giving them another option besides the old IC functions. Then we will see how....popular this new feature is
  12. not to mention bevor the IC cjheck i could run the game finde, and now with original Files its all stuttering... thats what realy pisses me of, bought a game, works and now its allmost unplayable.....
  13. it would be extremely helpfull if you would be more specific than just a one-liner. I dont know how I can turn off the IC to play on a Server That uses IC to get Texture Mods working. (and a decent FPS....) we never ask for IC terrain Mods. So now saying that worring about TexMods might delay 2.5 is a bit strange since ED decided they wanted IC on TexMods and spend time on that in the first place.
  14. it was the only explenation i can came up with because i was under the assumtion that you guys read the forums and see what people are interrested in. And the MODs section has one of the highest ViewCounter. So will the IC revert to its original State?, now that we have established that a) Text-Mods are awesome and b) are not cheating
  15. it would be nice if ...i dont know...maybe someone had thought in advance about the fact that Terrain mods and other texture mods are quite popular, instead of Brute Force an IC check that, as far as i know, no one(read:few) asks for. The Multiplayer-SubForum is not filled with crys about that issue. Not to mention that editing textures and LUA files relatet to the terrain gave some older systems a much needed FPS boost... and as for the "advantage"-argument so often thrown around, then please IC input devices too, because i dont have money for a Thurstmaster-Stick or TrackIR so i am at a disadvantage... /Sarcasm again i am absolutly bewildered why ED decided that THIS is so much more important than other issues (unless there is a more...sinister idea behind this to make Tex-Mods unattractive to the general public...for buisness reasons)
  16. is there a (static) "sitting" version? :)
  17. \DCS World\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\Scripts\MFCD\indicator\MFCD_init.lua line 16 purposes = {render_purpose.GENERAL,render_purpose.HUD_ONLY_VIEW} change to purposes = {render_purpose.HUD_ONLY_VIEW}
  18. well guessing the 10c was the easier part..... Are we talking about the Displays are visibile in the left/right lower corners of the SCreen even if you turn your head? Are we talking about the fact you have several Screens and you want to get rid of the Visual Displays in the Cockpit?
  19. it is because you forget to change the line 152 in the other file. Unless you are not talking about the plane i am talking about, the its of course totaly different. on a serious note, we need lots of more info to help you. i think i know what you'er up to, but i dont have the time for several shots into the dark
  20. it was an assumtion by looking at the ScreenShots, Either they use the FC3 and manage to hide the original UI (a feat in itself) or they are using the SDK to guide thier A2G Weapons since it is not possible otherwise. also the Debug infos in the upper-Right-Corner refer to functions not accesable by LUA.
  21. well looks like they got thier 3rd party status :) gratulations
  22. also, Many MODs fill exactly this Gap, Ppoducing high quality FC3-Level Planes. So there is no need for ED to step in, maybe in making modding a bit more easy but they should concentrate thier power on Full fidelity planes and Netcode, Maps etc
  23. a mindset like "whatever the price i buy it" is the reason why prices for games are constantly rising... (and why certain other company constantly drop the quality of thier games, people buy them) look at the F5, it doesnt even have a campaign just a few mission... 60 bucks is max, and then it must include all things it need to stand on its own (a carrier, a campaign that is worthy)
  24. did you set the option "Monitors" in DCS back to the Standart "1 Screen"?
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