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Everything posted by funkyfranky

  1. Correct, CVN-75 has been added to the master and development branches of MOOSE but is not in the latest release v2.5.1 included.
  2. Sound like this bug https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=288405 But there is a fix coming according to BN.
  3. Okay, no problem. Which static object do you want to spawn exactly? I'm not sure if the category returned is the one, that is required as input for the static template. I even think there is no way to extract that via scripting. I usually get that by looking in the mission file that is located inside the miz. But it is definitely possible to spawn all statics without any template in the mission.
  4. Not sure what went wrong there. If you used exactly that script, there is a "=" missing in the category line. Anyway, if you have a static which you want to "clone", you can spawn it even simpler local crate_static=SPAWNSTATIC:NewFromStatic("Crate"):SpawnFromZone(ZONE:New('Crate Zone')) crate_static:SmokeRed()
  5. Oh, I surely hope it's not an easy fix. Otherwise six years would really be a long time ;) And I am very grateful that you did that again. This is not to blame the messenger and all in good faith. Similar to Grimes, I had already given up on this ever being fixed. It's something we can work around, but the workaround is not working rigorously due to another DCS bug affecting multicrew aircraft. So for those, we are currently in a situation where even the workaround of the bug is broken. And that is the point where working around stuff is simply getting "a bit" too much.
  6. Thank, BN. I hope you will be more successful then the last couple of times you said that. But don't worry, this is just one of the most important (MP) events in the game. Fortunately, there is a workaround otherwise it would simply not be possible to create player specific stuff like F10 menus and the like. Sorry, if I sound a bit sarcastic. But we have been begging on our knees for this to be finally fixed and all we ever got was "I will ask about it", "it takes time".
  7. It's a tricky one to reproduce but it's certainly still there. I have seen it again for infantry but did not record a track. But it does not seem to be restricted to infantry. Here is what I captured for an MLRS group. Infantry looks similar. Maybe it happens when to units of a group collide by accident.
  8. Also wanted to ask for more axis inputs. I know how to tweak the default.lua, but as LeCuvier said, what we can add is by no means optimal. Creating a curve does not fully solve the issue. It would be nice that if an aircraft gets an overhaul, the inputs were also brought to the standard of the newer aircraft. Especially, when this is an update we have to pay for. Thanks.
  9. Yeah, I have seen that as well. Did not record a track file yet, but there is definitely an issue. My mission was working just fine. But that changed in one of the last updates. Not the latest. The bug is around already a bit longer. It looks a bit like they perform a strange dance ;)
  10. When switching to the beta version, should we uninstall the stable version first? Or can we simply install the beta "on top"?
  11. Good job and good info! Thanks, Flappie :thumbup:
  12. It is important that you realize that an access violation CTD is 99.9% a DCS issue and should be looked at by ED. Of course, it is good to inform the author of the lua script,so he can maybe have a look at a potential workaround. But it is certainly ED's job to eliminate the root cause of this issue.
  13. You have to enable it now via https://flightcontrol-master.github.io/MOOSE_DOCS_DEVELOP/Documentation/Functional.Rat.html##(RAT).RadioMenuON
  14. Check your second trigger ONCE(SAR Helo) in the miz. You are loading Moose (twice) instead of the helo script.
  15. Could be a couple of things. For example, Bassel Al-Assat could be out of range from the departure airbase(s) you set.
  16. Oh, that would be terribly confusing for everyone ;) The airbase name are always exactly the same as spelled in the mission editor. They are retrieved from the DCS API functions.
  17. :lol:yeah, that stuff always looks nice. Use for example :SetTerminalType(AIRBASE.TerminalType.OpenBig) to avoid the hardened shelters for bigger aircraft.
  18. Parking spots with hardened shelters are of terminal type 72 as returned by the DCS getParking function. That should be 68. Furthermore, all other parking spots are of type 104, which is generally for larger aircraft. Some should be type 72. Helo spots (type 40) seem to be correct. This makes dynamic spawning extremely difficult! Attached an image of Incirlik but it applies to all airbases.
  19. yeah, finding parking spots for larger aircraft is really difficult in DCS. you can set terminal types but the big ones often make problems. I implemented a scan that checks the vicinity around the parking spot for statics and scenery. Not sure if it is enabled by default. Make sure you use airbase names exactly as spelled in the mission editor. For example, Dubai is called "Dubai Intl".
  20. You have to specify the name of the carrier unit ("Unit #001") not that of the group ("CVN-71") in the script. (A ship group could have multiple carriers and the script would not know which one you mean.) Note: There might be other issues as you also have the RESCUEHELO and RECOVERYTANKER in your script file but I do not see any late activated groups in your pics.
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