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Everything posted by sc_neo

  1. I like the idea of a pilotbody...but in the modules that have that, i seldom turn it one for it doesn not properly move and shift around depending on where your are looking thus blocking view to the consoles and instruments. If we'd get an animated pilotbody....i'd be all for it!
  2. +1 ! I hope this is being implemented with the coming cockpit update. All the reworked cockpit of the FC3 aircraft as well as the newer stuff like F/A-18 and L-39 have "proper" neck in that the eyepoint is set 5cm forward from the neck. Right now, the eyepoint in the A-10C and neckpoint is the same and when you look around, your HUD is perfectly visible from all head angles, not behaving like a real collimated HUD. Only once you start actually moving your head sideways, does the HUD start behaving correctly and wanders gradually off the HUD glass and out of vision. Ideally, ED would add a 5cm-ish vertical seperation in addition to a 5cm forward shift to simulate a proper neck in all spatial planes of course!
  3. @Hollywood Maybe you could add an additional voice command called "disable/enable menus", "menus on/menus off" or "permanent options" or something that triggers the "Disable Menus" settings. The functionality is already there, but is only valid for the following command. If i understand the voice command "options" correctly, once i either speak a follow up command or click through the various comms menu levels until my desired command has been executed, i have to say "options" again the next time i press my PTT and want to see the menus again. I know, maybe not the super imporant addition, but maybe somethign you could consider adding in the future. Additionally; TX5 interphone, is that mapped to the intercoms in the multicrew modules, L-39, Gazelle and F-14?
  4. I'll give this a shot. Still the keybinding option for easy switching when having to interact a bunch of times in a row might sitll be useful. More power to the user :)
  5. Do i need to say options in conjuctions with an airfield or awacs, or does simply saying the single word "options" with the PTT pressed bring up the general comms menu?
  6. @VampireNZ This two weeks joke is extremly annoying! It's not funny anymore and people like you waste everyones time with these posts. Sorry for calling you out on this one...but you gotta start somewhere. This stuff appears practially on every second or third page on pretty much every thread. So please guys, if you feel like expressing your dismay about the development timeframes, be at least creative enough and come up with a new and funny way of doing so. This has nothing to do with defending anything about ED or whatnot, but reading this drives me mad!
  7. @Hollywood I have a question or suggestion concerning the "Disable Menus" setting. You suggest in the manual to have seperate keybindings in VA for your PTTs and inside DCS for the various radios, so that when you press a Vaicom PTT on your Hotas for instance, the comms menus in DCS won't show up, not breaking immersion. Else, i can use the above mentioned "Disable Menus" setting, thus i can keep my VA PTT and ingame DCS radio comms keybidings the same (great for all modules that actually visually animate radio button presses). But then, i don't really have an easy way to look at those menus without unselecting "Disable Menus" in Vaicom which is a bit cumbersome. Could you add a freely configurable keybinding for "Disable Menus"? This way, we could bind this somewhere on our Hotas and easily switch between showing and hiding the menus when a mission has special F10 options.
  8. It has been stated numerous times that new ED modules indirectly fund further development of the base sim. Besides the AG radar technology that is being developed for the F-16/18 projects, are there any other technologies that improve DCS overall that are directly tied to the F-16 development project?
  9. Good to hear.....i panicked a bit too early i reckon. Sorry about that.
  10. Thanks for the improvements! I noticed there was no addition of bookmarks like you started to do with the other revisions. I think those bookmarks really benefit your guides :)
  11. No problem. I'll go on my goose chase when my system is back up and running :)
  12. What i might do to nail this down once my new gpu arrives is make 1 or 2 additionalyl copies of DCS on my drive and revert those back to different patches from early 2018 when 2.5 was launched on stable branch, and maybe a version from late summer 2018 and somthing from january 2019 or so. This should show whether something changed over the last year that is akin to a memory leak. @Bignewy Do you have multiple iterations from various releases on you system? If so, could maybe make a short test whether there indeed is a noticeable memory increase between summer 2018 and now?
  13. I wonder, the multicrew works good in the L-39. So the difference that seperates that aircraft and the Gazelle as well as Mi-8 and Huey is that the L-39 in fact has two distinct cockpits where the pilot cannot click on the exact same buttons as the instructor in the backseat, albeit some buttons share the same functionality?
  14. Very nice first report in the stickied thread :) And how very german indeed...with clear and proper titles for each section! Those upcoming updates and enhancements are very much appreciated, thanks. BTW: what is current state of the multicrew feature? I have not flown the Gezalle in multicrew in over a year so i have no hirsthand uptodate experience. Last thing i remember i read here on the forums Sven said that this was not in good shape due to some DCS changes or so, but i might recall that incorrectly. Is the multicrew code based on EDs code for the L-39, or is it PCs own coding?
  15. Video looks great! Damn, AMD release the 5600 Gpu series already,...i want to get back into DCS :)
  16. The Viggen is supposed to leave EA this year, so that means two more campaigns to be finished within the next 3 months :)
  17. EDs carrier comes closest to fund game/environment tech directly with the enhanced ATC and deck crew animations and various things like working elevators and such. This could be the testbed to broaden those things for more lively environments like populated busy airfields, and in the case of ATC, this has been stated to be the first push towards a new and proper comms system. S So yeah, i will get it!
  18. But we don't want ot guess anymore. I'd like to have one of the devs in the know technically layout how preload radious is affecting Vram and system memory. Actually, a bunch of indepth blogposts about Vulkan, AA and all that engine stuff would really go a long way. A lot of good weekends news posts that can be! Like..."hey folks, you want to get the sim you spent so much time on a bit better?"
  19. @Redglyph I disagree on this one. There are often situations in Life where you really make strides with your next project. There can be various reasons why your skills and practices on a new project really start to take shape and it is laudable if you then go back to your older work and start applying some of it where it's feasible. PC has stated that the new tech that is being developed will be used to improve the Gazelle like, if i am not mistaken, almost a year by now. Which means the devs are aware that things can be improved and in its current form do not totally meet their own and our expectations. But, please go critize ED for not delivering the A-10C with the upcoming cockpit overhaul textures and 3d art. Go and tell Heatblur that the Viggen Should never have seen the light of day without pbs rendering. Why not? Cause experience and tech is a thing that develops over time. And the guys who decide to go back to older projects and see what can be improved with newer tech should be applauded, or at least be encouraged to follow through with that decision. Yeah, the judgement is still out and will come when they officially call the Gazelle done and finished bar bug fixes. And dude, PC have just openly stated that their judgement on what route to take has reached its limits and that in hindsight, a "both projects at equal footing policy" would have been better, what more do you expect? I don't know in what capacity the various people at PC have been working before, but according to their website this i their first project. Quite honestly, the Gazelle has been and still is a pretty good first show!
  20. Aber zum Beispiel bie Github, da kannste ja anscheinend einen commit erst validieren wenn er von min. einem anderen Teammitglied verifiziert wurde. Und die linux distors sind ja eh fast immer Teamarbeit. Aber die Grundproblematik, das man wie bei praktisch allem in der Gesellschaft darauf vertraut, dass die Fachleute nette Bürger und fähig sind, bleibt natürlich bestehen. Aber, selbst Regierungen werden da ja teils wach. Der französische Staat hat ja im Jahr 2018 anscheinend seine kommunikation fast komplett auf die Technik vom Matrix-Protokoll umgestellt. Und die Industrie, was auch "immer sie verbricht" setzt ja nicht umsonst auf Linux. Es ist einfach ab einem gewissen Punkt absolut notwendig den code selbst einsehen zu können und auch selbst Hand anlegen zu können.
  21. Um bei der Sache mit freier software zu bleiben bin ich bei Hind. Ich habe keine Ahnung wie was programmiert wird, und nehme mir höchste selten die Zeit, auch wirklich mal mit absolutem Laieninstinkt in eine Datei reinzuschauen. Ergo, ich vertraue darauf das A. die Entwickler keine Schweine sind, und B. sich das jemand anders anschaut. DCS allein; glaubt ihr wirklich, dass bei diesem Nichending jemand gründlich SRS, VAICOM, OvGME etc. durchgeschaut hat? Ich nicht und ich vertraue einfach darauf, das die Hobbyentwickler nett sind und die potentielle Zielgruppe viel zu klein ist, als das jemand hier zuschlägt. Das einzige was hier vielleicht ein audit hinter sich hat, ist Tacview.
  22. Ich denke EA hat auch viel mit dem längeren Zeitfenster zu tun, wo der Entwickler den Vollpreis nehmen kann, weil der Großteil der Leute eben noch dem "Weg zum Zenit" des Moduls beiwohnen können. In der Spielebranche ist doch das Vollpreisfenster nur noch im EA und preorder Zeitraum, und, mit wenigen Außnahmen, 2 - 8 Wochen nach release lang. Oft gibts nach 2-3 Wochen bereits 15-30% Rabattaktionen, nach oft weniger als einem halben Jahr für 50% und weniger. Somit werden einfach Schritt für Schritt über wenjge Monate die verschiedenen Käuferschichten abgegrast. Zuerst die die heiß drauf sind und richtig löhnen können, dann die die eigentlich gleich wollten, aber nich 60-80€ in der Hand hatten, und im Anschluß die Kunden, die der Spaß eigentlich kaum hinterm Ofen vorholt. Deshalb ja auch dieser games as a service Wahn....da immer was neues am Produkt nachkommt, bleibt ein gewisser "Ist heißi und neu und noch geiler als zuvor" Charakter erhalten, und der Entwickler kann wesentlich länger den Preis höher halten. So in die Richtung denke ichs von der finaziellen Seite. Ging mir ja selber so bei der A-10C. Da war ich nicht bereit mehr als 20€ auszugeben weil es schon soewig am Markt war. Und dabei ist es sicher eines der Module mit dem besten Gegenwert.
  23. Cheers! Great initiative, i am looking forward to your next sitrep.
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