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Everything posted by Fionn

  1. I think I have figured it, I think it's a ram issue. I keep getting an out of ram message then about ten mins after I cancel the message dcs crashes back to desktop. I think it is because I've got my page file disabled, not sure tho
  2. I agree, I'm not bothered about paying full price but not for stuff that has been in beta for ever. I think if I had of paid full price for the hawk and the 101 I would be a bit miffed. I actually would pay full price for them once they were out of beta. The way I see it is, it's nice to support the devs and I will but don't expect me to pay £45 for something that is half done! I paid pre-release for nttr but that is almost perfect even tho it's alpha. Minus the ram issue. It would be nice for Ed to do huge sales at least once a year rather than every month like it was. But to note, since the sales stopped I have spent way less on dcs world stuff. I have quite a lot of the modules and all were sale purchases, had I found dcs world a few months later I would not have spent anywhere near the amount I have. It needs balance imo
  3. Payday = 24th, minus $47.99!!! Get in!
  4. Every MP game I play ends with a crash of some kind, freeze first then back to desktop normally. Is this a beta thing or am I getting kicked all the time lol?
  5. def got CAS on for all, just seems to roll really quick rather than yaw a bit. If its accurate thats cool, it just felt different to how it was on 1.2. Thanks for the answers :)
  6. Im not sure if this is correct and its just me... i think it is a new thing since 1.5 but i would need to go back to 1.2 and check. basically now full rudder will bank and then continually roll the plane rather than yaw the plane. is this correct behavior for the f15c? i have no idea lol
  7. its weird, there are two options to lock for 1 plane; i can lock the ecm signal and get the home on jam lock but i can also lock the non ecm and get a stt lock but only for a brief moment before my lock is broken. ive just tried it with mig29s and its the same.
  8. i set up a 1v1 f15 vs su27 bvr mission and when my f15 radar is on it shows both the solid green block and the multiple hollow blocks for ecm. when i try to select the solid block it allows lock for a moment then it unlocks. is this correct? im pretty sure that it didnt do this in 1.2 not sure about 1.5. ive attached a pic to show what i mean
  9. Only managed to get 5 mins on last night after the mammoth download, so I buzzed the strip in the F15C at 800kmh at about 80foot lol mental! Such a beautiful looking representation of Vegas, can't wait to hit the canyon and see if I can get some wicked low level canyon flying in!
  10. Yeah at the moment, I was referring to way into the future, maybe dcs 3.0
  11. Sorry if this has already been posted but I couldn't see anything so far. http://www.anandtech.com/show/9740/directx-12-geforce-plus-radeon-mgpu-preview It's rather interesting and looks very promising for super powerful GPU configurations. I wonder if ED will incorporate this at some point in the future?
  12. I have a modifier key on my hotas flight x that enables me to use the pov hat to skew the target reticle, I also have the lock set to the trigger and the zoom and target reticle box size all mapped with the modifier. Make sure you target lock the ground so to speak at it stabilises the reticle allowing you to skew much easier. I generally lower the reticle a bit so it's pointing maybe 15 ° down and then point the aircraft in the general direction of the target and then skew and it will auto snap to a target when you skew over it, as long as the reticle is the right size for the target. Once you figure out your own style it will become easy for you
  13. EFM or not, hawk vs hawk turning dogfights are my fav thing to do in DCS!!!
  14. F15 SU25T Hawk C101 Proficient to me means that I know all the systems and can use them, and that I can land the plane in good weather. Also means that I can beat AI pilots in a2a combat :-)
  15. I was wondering this too? Will we need NTTR to access the training and campaign?
  16. Just recently got the KA50 and it looks daunting, thank you for this guide. I think it might make my life way easier. Kudos to you sir :-D
  17. I had a problem with zonealarm firewall at first with the latest update, it kept hanging as zonealarm was blocking it connecting to the internet. It might be something like that?
  18. Hey, yeah I read that last night in the bug tracking thread. Thanks for posting tho. And thanks for the plane, love it :-D
  19. This! I'm new here and I seem to see a lot of whining from people, yeah I guess it's not great when the developers give a time frame and it's not met, but they are very forth coming with updates and it's not like they have just done a runner with your cash. I personally love this plane even if it's just SFM. It looks great, it feels great, I love it! I can't wait for the developments to be released but I'm happy with it, and if I do get bored I've got about 9 other planes to learn and fly :-D
  20. Hi, I get this happening when the plane is stalling. Climb vertical apply rudder at apex and the plane just judders. I can replicate it every time.
  21. Hello, Another new guy :) What an amazing product, developers and community. I've been lurking for about 2 months, have snapped up quite a few modules in the recent sales, just got another 2 today and I must say that DCS World has blown me away! Thank you :D
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