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Posts posted by MoGas

  1. http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/an-elite-f-14-airman-explains-why-the-tomcat-was-so-imp-1610043625



    Our squadron did a night AIM-54 Phoenix shoot where we shot two Phoenixes at range against a drone. The shots were staggered by about 2 miles, one right after the other. Our lead safes, while on NVG's, followed both missiles toward the target. They reported back that the first Phoenix was "Boola Boola", meaning a direct hit and completely destroying the drone. They said what happened next was pretty amazing. The second Phoenix quickly made an adjustment off what was left of the drone and hit the largest remaining part. Remember, this 1,000lb missile is traveling at Mach 3.0 and only a couple of miles behind the first missile, so there was very little time for the missile to react. I guess the Ordies had programmed it for "pulverization mode".

    The good thing about the Phoenix was its range. We used to brief that we would shoot one Phoenix at "range" (and I won't say what that range was, but it was far) into any unresolved group of aircraft declared hostile. The idea was to make at least one of the enemy fighters blow up in front of his wingman's face, thus making him think twice about pursuing us.

  2. I have the same. Controls feel sluggish. I don't know if it has to be like that. But for me it seems a little bit to much. Compared to the F-15 it's super slow in responding to joystick input. Same with the radar lock cursor. tried to speed it up a bit but no joy so far.


    Try: Saturation X,Y on 100

    Deadzone on 0

    Curvature on 0


    Its FBW!



  3. As soon as the shaking starts, and you switch to VRILLE to make it home. But, you cant land the plane, as soon as the plane touch down it crashes, either you jump up and start to spin or explodes.


    I have tried to switch to NORM just before landing, it dosent prevent you from crashing..


    So keep the two wing tanks at home..... :(

  4. All fixed in development! Turns out with wing tanks on I was reducing mass at twice the rate for each tank per amount of fuel loss. Which also means it was losing inertia at twice the rate. By the time you had nearly empty wing tanks you had nearly 0 inertia, and if you flew much longer your inertia would actually go impossibly negative causing the outrageous roll.


    Jettisoning the tanks accelerates the sequence after you've lost a decent amount of fuel...


    Fix will be in the next update for you guys.



  5. It seems that I get no launch warning from SAHR Missiles in SP and MP, the lock up warning is there!


    EDIT: If the AIM-120`s gets active on you, the only way to see it is with (M) symbole on the RWR, no different sound on the RWR either.

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