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  1. I believe you missed the fact this mission was planned well over the last month or so, and the latest patch which released within the last week broke the Phoenix's RWR behavior.. basically making them untrackable till impact. This is not the fault of the mission makers. The 80s fox one only scenario was a quick fix idea thrown around, but failed the take into account the 16's lack of fox 1 capability.
  2. A2A - F14 -F99th-Rusk (Pilot) - F99th-Alphaskoom (Rio) A2A - F14 -F99th-Pyromaniac (Pilot) - F99th Kocrachon (Rio) A2G - F18C -F99th Misi Red or Blue side doesn't matter
  3. F5 Vs Mig 21 signup? is this event happening tomorrow or no?
  4. Could we get the Tacview of the event? i died so fast in the first round i didn't get a chance to see what happened other than taking a missile up the tail pipe x.x
  5. F99th - Alphaskoom - F-5 On a side note, if Maverick isn't going to be streaming these events anymore, may wanna change the link for the live stream at the bottom of the announcement post unless his stream is going to direct us to whoever is streaming. Cheers for putting on another event, I'm interested in seeing how ground attacks will play out this time.
  6. F99th - Alphaskoom - F14 Rio for F99th Rusk
  7. F99th-Alphaskoom F14 Rio status - Unconfirmed
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