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Devil 505

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About Devil 505

  • Birthday 05/04/1981

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
  • Location
  • Interests
    Military Aviation, Diving/the Ocean, Working Out, Family, Shooting
  • Occupation
    DOD Aviation Contractor

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  1. I too have been with them for this long. You and I going back and forth on this subject is honestly pointless. I say we call this battle a draw and leave it to ED to figure out. I am not saying you do not have any valid points for the record. I will admit, maybe I am a little to optimistic for such a thing to take place in DCS World, but one can dream. I will tell you 40 years ago I started playing F-19 Stealth fighter with my old man on an IMB 286 where I had to use DOS to get my sims started. I went from floppy disks to hard disks to CD to digital. If you were to try to convince me all those years ago, and even during the Janes days, that I would be sitting at my computer with a device on my head that placed me in the cockpit (VR) of all my favorite fighters and bombers, I would have responded the same way you did above. But growing old age has provided me the wisdom to see that technology and experience is advancing at such a rapid pace, who knows where DCS might be 5 or 10 years down the road. Wherever it winds up, one thing is for certain, I doubt either one of us will be disappointed. See you in the virtual Mars.
  2. If you have been around since day one like I have with Eagle Dynamics and followed their road maps, interviews, and posts, your ignorance would be kept in check. Just because there is not a fleshed-out version of combined arms or armored modules yet does not mean this has not been on their road map since the early days. Technology has been a huge limiting factor of what they could achieve to the level they want to achieve it at until recently. Clearly the super carrier and combined arms are tangible pieces of proof flying is not the only thing they have focused on or wanted to focus on. DCS has always been focused on mil-sim realism. Why is it the war thunder players have not flocked in droves to DSC? Simple, it is a study sim requiring patience and dedication to appreciate and enjoy. Why do Call of Duty and Arma players not gravitate towards Ready or Not or Ground Branch? It is a tactics driven, more realistic simulation of firearms and strategy combined with teamwork simulation. Not a Call of Duty or arcade like experience. The example of an A-10 carpet bombing and entire town full of hostiles is not the best example. Could it be done? Sure. But the crowd that gravitates towards DCS will not set up scenarios that mimic that of the former mentioned games. It takes away the mil-sim experience we are seeking that has not truly been offered to the public. I feel people like you underestimate the type of players that use DCS as their primary platform. Good example. The same convo took place years ago when we mentioned cargo and troop-carrying aircraft. There were a lot of similar posts like the ones above trashing the ideas and saying those aircraft would never work, no one is here to play DCS and fly cargo. They said it does not have its place in a combat flight sim and no one would buy them. Now take a look at the Chinook, look at the hype on the C-130 mod by Anubis and look how many are waiting to purchase the official C-130 mod coming out. Bottom line, like all other modules, if it is not your cup of tea, do not buy it. That does not mean it will not be mine or someone else's. People who truly appreciate this platform do not want to see it limited to any one specific role. The more you bring a live digital combat environment to DCS, the better it will grow for a multitude of mil-sim players. You really answered this one yourself. Arma is an arcade experience. It is not mil-sim by any stretch of the imagination. So technically, no it has not been done before which is why I am such a proponent of this. If no one ever tries to push the envelope, especially when facing criticism, we never achieve anything great. What is out there now is no fun because it takes on push of a button to ruin the day for 50 people below. It does not take into effect real life issues such as weapons jams, weigh of gear, limited ammo for certain operations, logistics, fuel consumption and distance for air support, ect.... These are all things ED could and I feel will eventually tackle with much more precision than any other sim out there. The time it takes for someone to learn the A-10, Hornet, or Viper, and apply those munitions and tactics accurately requires some significant investment. Takes time just to learn to fly them properly and get to the target area, especially when searching for small arms on the ground. This is what makes DCS and experience, not some game. It would be no different on the ground for people seeking the same experience from a first-person perspective. The guy's upstairs I think will appreciate this more as will the players who want to take up arms or armored modules on the ground. Again, trying to compare current sims to DCS and their future state is not an accurate portrayal of what ED is capable of. I agree with this statement. It is not blind faith I have in Eagle Dynamics. It is their commitment to the customer and the products they have already provided us with that generates this faith they could pull off armored modules and a first-person experience. Why to bring religion into DCS though, that is a first I have seen on the forums.
  3. Out of Curiosity, is there any single river patrol boat assets like in some of the first images taken close to the start of this forum? I have not been able to locate them. Only ones I have found are attached to the barge and are not individuals. Also, are there any plans for individual VC/North Vietnamese infantry that are combat ready and not static? The gents and I were really hoping to replace the default AK infantry with these. Only ones I have located thus far are the mortar crew and VC on the bike. No actual infantry. If there are none, is there talk of doing any? Really digging this mod!
  4. Alright Slippa, video below as promised. I was not sure if you were struggling with the UH-1 or OH-6 so I did a short startup video on both. Hope it helps.
  5. If you need someone to test her in VR, I will volunteer!
  6. I will try to knock out a video tonight cranking up the OH-6A and the Hog. I cannot promise it is standard to any military procedure, but it works every time for me. I will also talk through my key binds. Since I only fly in VR, I typically interact with everything using the mouse unless it is something bound to the Cyclic/Stick or collective. That is a standard OP for me across the board with all DCS Helos. I have them all, and I can say with confidence they all have their own flight personalities. Looking forward to knocking something out for you.
  7. One more post for the night. The gents and I are looking into some possible missions in the future conducting SAR and downed aircraft recovery operations. Been years since my last Huey sling load in DCS. I had to give lifting the OH-6A a try. I did not pick the best area to drop it off, very tight. Look forward to showing more once we actually start putting missions together in the coming months. Thanks again to the guys who put this mod together. Having a blast with it.
  8. So me and the guys are still having some weird issues with SRS and the OH-6, even after the SRS update. Did a short video below showing what we are encountering. My buddy hosted the mission on a dedicated server he pays for. We did the first test on FM 30.00 (turned on to PTT), UHF off. He could hear me in his OH6 and he could also here me depress the mic, but I could not hear him or hear me depress my mic. The second test was on UHF 251 (turned on to TR), FM turned off. Same result as above with FM. The weird thing is, right before we recorded the below test, I could not hear him on UHF, so I turned on FM to PTT and all the sudden I could hear my SRS depress and I could hear him on FM. Then UHF worked. When I turned off the FM radio to test one at a time, all the sudden, FM did not work anymore but UHF continued to work. To record the video, we jumped into 2 fresh birds (not the same group) and all the sudden, the above results happened which I go through in the video. To note, we tried the exact same test on the same server with the UH-1 prior to testing the OH-6 and after and it worked flawlessly on multiple channels on both FM and UHF. What is weird with the OH6 is UHF will only transmit on 251 and FM on 30.00 for all parties. I am open to suggestions if anyone has any. I was hoping we were clowns, and it was user error, but at this point, we are having trouble replicating the same issue back-to-back. As of now, we are using skype with the mod until SRS gets ironed out or we get schooled. Appreciate any feedback. I also took screen shots below of my SRS settings to see if anything looks off to anyone.
  9. Did a multiplayer test Sunday with the boys to test marking with smoke and a combined attack with the OV-10 mod. The OH-6 is still having problems with comms and SRS so we had to use skype. Did a video on it about an hour ago and will post it here soon. Had a blast flying this with the boys. I cannot brag enough about flying with a good group of people online with DCS. Flying down low and marking targets while you have support overhead getting after it is beyond awesome in VR. This was just for fun, but we have some future plans to put together a multitude of mission variants with the OH-6 in conjunction with a few other mods and official modules. More to come.
  10. So I did this video for someone who asked how to get the door gunner working and what keys were bound. I also gave my own personal advice on what is working for me learning to fly the OH-6A smoother on takeoff and landing. It absolutely requires all hands on. Very well worth the patience and wait to learn her though. Absolutely having a blast with it.
  11. Really being selfish here since we just got the OH-6, but we need the second element of Darkhorse. The Apache is to Posh. After flying and loving the OH-6 mod, I cannot wait to get your Cobra in the fight. To say these two will complement each other is an understatement. The OH crew did a fantastic job with the ability to drop smoke and mark targets. We will have a true Hunter Killer opportunity when you release the OG Gunship. Thank you for all the hard work and doing this for the community. Your time will be well spent when we all start flying her! Anymore videos would be a great tease.
  12. Your buddy (me LOL) agrees. My second attempt at lift off below with a quicker pull on the collective seems to work better than the slow methodical approach. She is ready to go quick. Landing still needs some work. Trying to iron if trim is needed (having trouble with the trim) or just finding the sweet spot between rudder authority and back stick pressure when landing. The slightest release of back stick coming into land and she wants to roll forward. The second landing below was better than the first, so improvement there. Side door gunner in VR is awesome. I added the ROE to my collective trigger to tell him to engage, pinky switch toggles his rate of fire, and the hat will switch between grenades. Hopefully soon me and gents will be able to conduct a Hunter/Killer mission where one or two of us fly the OV-10s until the Cobra is out while the other fly's low and fast with the OH-6 and paints with smoke. We will post the video here for sure when we do.
  13. Outstanding job gents on the OH-6. She is a handful to get use to on takeoff. I must admit, the video below was my first flight with her as well as the first time I have used a collective in DCS. I just got the Virpil AH-64 hooked up and my mind is having time transitioning from forward on the throttle is increase altitude to down on the collective is decrease and up is increase. Hopefully after a few more flights things will start to look a little cleaner.
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