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Everything posted by ChickenSim

  1. @Flagrum someone in another discord sent me this screenshot of the upcoming changes for the next release, so I suspect they now understand at least some of the issues presented in this thread. I'm excited to see how this change cascades into some of the other interactions, after spending so much time [AS INTENDED] and being assured with absolute certainty there were no misunderstandings regarding the system's operation. It's possible they ran into the correct answer investigating other issues and just haven't circled back yet.
  2. LTIP is a separate imaging mode that fires the 1570nm EYES laser and presents a picture-in-picture image of the target based on the laser reflections. While the EYES laser is firing, it also performs rangefinding functions. The picture-in-picture component of LTIP isn't modeled, but rangefinding is.
  3. Previously reported. According to their SME the north arrow orientation is correct (it isn't) and the orientation of the rose in relation to the plane of the ground is marked as a future implementation pending determination of feasibility in-engine (it is, see: A-10).
  4. Is this intended behavior or a constraint on ED's part? I don't recall ever having to set IR COOL to ON to use the Sidearm in DCS, so it was just surprising to me that it's required now. Even the Sidewinders shouldn't require you to use that switch. They can be cooled three ways: Automatically, when selected on the Stores page and the Master Arm switch is ON. When pressing the COOL option (P/B 2) on the Stores page (able to be preselected on the deck, but inhibited with weight on wheels). When using the IR COOL switch (works with weight on wheels).
  5. Ambiguity strikes again, I meant "box" to informally mean any variation of the target designation diamond or rectangle. Initializing that target designation symbol at the VV using the TDC should occur the same way, regardless of which of those target designation methods you're using.
  6. There are conflicting sources on when you should see the box. Some say the box appears whenever you slew off the designation source (if one didn't exist already). Some say the box appears (the "target" being "designated") only after tapping and releasing TDC. Some suggest the box will appear when you hold the TDC down and slew off, but the target isn't properly "designated" until the TDC is released. It's possible they're all correct under different conditions. I am also pretty sure slewing in INS isn't working as intended. As implemented, you are slewing the box across the ground plane, so the further your target is from you (the closer it appears to the horizon), the slower it appears to slew. I am pretty certain it is supposed to slew at a steady angular rate like the DMT / ARBS/TV does, despite being locked onto to the ground plane rather than visual contrast.
  7. Yes, TV. SSS Aft cycles between the two designation sources contained within the DMT: ARBS/TV and ARBS/LST. I'm convinced half the issues we have understanding these systems are probably attributable to how often the terms are used technically or informally, so I apologize for any confusion. The system is designed to give you flexibility for how you wish to attack your target. This may come in the form of an INS Designation, which is essentially just a coordinate and elevation stored in the aircraft's "memory" and displayed on your sensors where it thinks this coordinate/elevation is relative to your aircraft. It may also come in the form of an ARBS/TV designation, which contrast-locks onto an object of interest and does all the angle-rate sorcery to determine where it is in space. You have the options of manually transferring these points in space between designation sources with the SSS, and in some cases the system will automatically create or transfer designations for you (such as with Point Blank designations, or overflying an ARBS-TV target and the system transferring the designation to INS when the DMT hits its gimbal limits, respectively). There are others (LST/TPOD) as well that I'm not even going into. As @SGT Coyle has also run across in the post above, the entire designation and slewing system as implemented is inconsistent with the documentation and based on conflicting accounts of how the system works versus how it is often used.
  8. You should be able to slew in both INS and DMT. TDC Depress (Action) isn't implemented yet. The Difference between holding it down or not is different slew rates. Slewing without the button being held (No Action Mode) slews it slowly and is used for target refinement. Slewing with the button being held (Action Mode) slews it 2x faster and is used for gross adjustments. Transferring targets between systems (such as creating a designation in INS and then pressing SSS to transfer the designation to DMT, or vice versa) are techniques for attacking targets in various conditions and with various weapons.
  9. Razbam added a momentary deadzone on the nozzle lever where the hover stop is. This helps compensate for the loss of the previous STO stop function, but it's not a perfect solution from a gameplay perspective either since you you don't have the tactile feedback and peace of mind of being able to bring your nozzle lever back to a hard stop like you would in the real aircraft or in the previous implementation. It still requires extra attention, either head-down or on the HUD, to ensure the lever is in the correct position without being able to feel that it is.
  10. It certainly does, and I took the risk of simplifying because I couldn't tell if the post was serious, but you have a certain amount of time to keep the engine windmilling and maintain *some* hydraulic pressure in the accumulators while you attempt to airstart the engine. Once these opportunities have passed though, there are no mechanical linkages or reversion options for "gliding it in." If you can't get the engine relit, maneuvering the aircraft into a safe ejection speed/altitude/attitude is about the only option with whatever control authority you have left.
  11. I'm assuming this is a joke post, but in the unlikely event that it's not, there is no "dead sticking" a Harrier. If you run out of fuel, your engine dies. If your engine dies, your hydraulic pumps stop working, and whatever pressure is left in your accumulators must be spent leveling the aircraft and preparing for ejection, because you're going to lose all control authority very soon. Poe's Law seems to be making its way to DCS.
  12. That's pretty interesting that it worked for you with IR COOL on. You're not supposed to use IR COOL with Sidearms. Activating the IR COOL switch in A/G mode and then uncaging would cause the seeker to free float, and any subsequent maneuvers could break the seeker if it gets whipped around and hits its gimbal limits. Activating IR COOL in any other mode automatically uncages the seeker and does the same. (TACMAN II, 2-153, pg. 641) If modeled properly, this could be contributing to some of the testing inconsistencies. But the manual says very specifically NOT to use IR COOL with Sidearms on the aircraft - its only useful function is to provide Sidewinder cooling if needed on the ground.
  13. It isn't even that. It won't correct an existing imbalance, it just does its best to ensure an imbalance doesn't happen in the first place.
  14. I don't think anything is wrong here. It should be a positive number entry (0 - 270), but the mils are correctly being measured from the waterline of the aircraft, not the VV. If they aren't showing up below the VV, it means you need to compensate for angle of attack and add more.
  15. @DanielNL the gun pipper may very well be inaccurate but this is a terrible demonstration if you're trying to provide evidence of a problem. You're in a >45° dive, in RCIP (when radar altimeter is only valid +/- 45° attitude), with no target designation whatsoever (so the aircraft just thinks it's shooting at a target at whatever elevation your inaccurate radar altimeter is showing)... Of course your pipper is inaccurate.
  16. Regarding the code, it should only accept digits 1-8, within the range of 1111-1788. No 9s or 0s.
  17. This may not be the only problem here, but you should be in IFA, yes.
  18. The 12 o'clock position on this reticle starts to unwind at 6,000' (right now) but you can hypothetically begin to fire even before this if you're diving steep enough. If they bring the Harrier up to the latest software standards, 12 o'clock will become 15,000' and you'll have a little more information to make a better decision with.
  19. @Dr Zaius they recently implemented a minimum RPM to fire the gun - are you bringing the throttle to idle in the dive? Based on your description it sounds like the gun starts working again after the overflight because you push the throttle forward to go around.
  20. @Kappa understood, just wanted to clarify since you referred to it as a "feature" in your first post. :smilewink: We should be thankful the surface friction is what it is and the plane isn't moving at idle, otherwise there'd be a lot of DCS Harriers in the drink right now.
  21. The numbers are supposed to represent how close you are to the center or heart of the computed LAR based on current aircraft position relative the target. I'm not sure how they're coded to behave right now either, but they definitely shouldn't be counting up and down like that. It is probably best to ignore them altogether and go strictly off the NIRD in the HUD and your best intuition from the EHSD (since those LARs on the EHSD aren't accurate and don't give you any valuable information either).
  22. @Kappa I'm not quite sure the brake system is supposed to be charged like this during routine operations. If the parking brake is left on with the engine off, hydraulic pressure ought to bleed off after about 3 hours and the aircraft needs to be chocked anyway. Maintenance has the ability to service the aircraft to ensure at least 1000 PSI on the accumulator and 1500 PSI on the pressure gauge prior to engine start. If it's not there, and maintenance can't service it, the aircraft needs to be tied down or chocked prior to starting engines (because it'll be moving at idle power and you won't have any braking function until it's charged).
  23. @RAZBAM_ELMO I just tested it out, it appears at face value to be accurate to the graph in the TACMAN. I dove down to just above sea level and commanded 65% FAN RPM, and was able to fire the gun successfully until my speed bled down below a certain point. Then I set 69% FAN RPM and held the trigger down as I accelerated, and the gun eventually started firing again. Now to add gun jams and failures to the list for doing what I just did trying to get the gun to cycle without the right amount of air pressure (it'll try!). :)
  24. @RAZBAM_ELMO it happens whether DESG is boxed or not. HD still processing, but you can clearly see the DMT targeting box jumping around in the HUD with DESG both boxed and unboxed. DESG JUMP.trk
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