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Everything posted by REDEYE_CVW-66

  1. Very interesting discussion. I have also been obsessed with color grading in maps, but lack the knowledge or background to critique it as constructively. I was always mind boggled how especially Normandy (Even V.2) looked so wildly un-natural and un-european in it's tones that it needed mods to fix it. I indeed see the point here as well and hopefully it is something that will be tuned out in later Orbx updates. Regarding the leaked vid: I kind of suspect that it was a 'fan trailer' leak made by a tester. The standards were WAY below DCS marketing standards, and the technical aspects of it were sub-par. Multiple super close ups of aircraft and only one shot highlighting the scenery, all done in low light, mostly overcast weather.. Hopefully, and official trailer will come in the quality we have come to expect to give the map a proper showcase.
  2. I have a mission where enemy units (flak) activates when a blue AC enters a given zone. This have worked fine before in my mission- but now it suddenly seems to have stopped. Remains in un-activated state. I also Linked a zone to a blue unit. The zone moves around with the unit in the ME (So it seems indeed linked) But when I set up: "Part of coalition (Red) in zone - MSG to all XXX" it does not trigger.
  3. In the 2nd engagement leads tells me to take a cut away south. When he tells me to turn in- he crashed in the water. I just RTB'd, but the same voicelines keept repeating at uneven intervals. "Take a cut away south... etc".
  4. New airfields means new "Missing textures" problems. Dunkirk and High Halden this time. Hope that Barthek, or failing that (I see he is busy with Caucasus revamp) Morpheus can help out. One of my favourite maps but can't stand it without this mod. Fingers crossed!
  5. Mind boggling... Let's hope this wakes them up, and thanks for helping out in the meantime. Just had a flight over England in hazy conditions with low clouds and it is the best it has ever looked.
  6. This is incredible. This should be baked into the main game. Excellent presets, and I have been waiting for the ability to create haze for a very long time. Thanks for sharing this, and hope the devs take note.
  7. Looks fantastic mate- many thanks! Seamless blending. Finally time to get back to this map:)
  8. Would you mind sharing yours Morhpeus? Looks like a good blend. While we wait for Barthek and all.
  9. When I add the files (the airfield fix) as described, each airfield is a blurry mess. Only Biggin Hill look half-decent. Am I doing something wrong? Could someone show a pictures of these newly added fields with Taildraggers fix files?
  10. I was unsure of where to post this, so my apologies if it should be elsewhere. I noticed when playing a 'another' popular sim, that TAA gave me great and smooth visuals without ghosting. When 2.9 dropped, the ghosting was so bad it was not an option. However, knowing that in theory it could work, I was hoping for improvements. For me, the shimmering is the big issue, in which TAA helps a lot (at the cost of some blur). EDIT: If combined with FSR (Don't have new card for DLSS), the MFD issues persist. In the current patch a slight improvent indeed seems to have happened. YES- the ghosting is still there, but the MFD screens seem better and overall results are much better overall. I am imagining this or have others noticed it? Hope this is an indication of progress being made and that others have had similar or better results.
  11. The White Cliffs of Dover is one the most iconic location of the European air war. For this reason, having them looks as they did matters a great deal. They provide the backdrop for many of histories epic clashes of warbirds in the period. In the current version of the Normandy 2 map, it shows the cliffs between Dover and Deal with substantial forest growth, right up towards the cliffs face. This is incorrect. These trees had been removed long before and were now all cultivated. This great site shows a ton of period aerial photos of the region: Historical photos of England: https://historicengland.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=2626ed0c37484d96b8954dd33187084e&mobileBreakPoint=300 Photos showing the Cliffs of Dover without forested areas: https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/archive/collections/aerial-photos/record/EAW020459 https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/archive/collections/aerial-photos/record/EAW020468 https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/archive/collections/aerial-photos/record/EPW035426 I know that the map is WIP, but I just want to help out getting it as accurate as can be. Many thanks for the great map and the continuous support it receives!
  12. Barthek; can we hope for updated version now that we have some new airfields in the map?:)
  13. I have a strange bug; I appear to have like a green 'film' for the lack of a better word, covering some of my gauges (the textures appears fine and updated besides). I assumed it was some conflict from a leftover mod, but I disabled them, did a clean up and repair and it is still there. Cockpit looks good to you guys?
  14. Can confirm this. Seems to be TAA related. TAA also seem to blur the edges of aircraft when moving in close proximity, like for instance looking at an enemy in a dogfight. 1080 ti
  15. Amiens area looks fine to me. Maybe some installation issues? Can't see textures missing "all over the place" either.
  16. Yup! The new night lighting is great- very much appreciated. I can't 'feel' the performance upgrade, but that might be due to other factors. Thanks for updating one of the best maps we have!
  17. I was able (at last) to update and get Sinai, but error 504 prevented me from using it. However, disabling my internet at least allowed me to play offline with modules.
  18. Looks nice! Thanks for the update. The new Normandy map is great in many ways- and the update is VERY much appraciated. The radar sites, cliffs and dockyards look wonderful. Thank you. Hope the lighting of trees when looking into the sun is fixed (hard to tell in the video). Also hoping that you will remove the historically inaccurate forest along the ridge of the Cliffs of Dover. Why you keep sticking trees (forest almost) INSIDE airbases when the community tells you time and time again it is inaccurate is just beyond me. Trees in airfields are: 1. Historically inaccurate 2. Dangerous to aircraft 3. Make logistics and communications for the ground difficult. 4. In ww2, the runways were often not used- the entire field was used instead to allow for simultaneous squadron take offs- Airbases are sometimes MASKED as countryside for camouflage. A quick example: Here is a pic of St.Andre in 1944. The dots are not trees- they are crater damage from bombing. null
  19. If you are looking for skins you should look/post in the relevant section. This is the 'terrain' section. Browse dedicated skin channels- and also google DCS User files and browsr the thousands of skins available:) Happy hunting!
  20. RAF North Weald would be a great addition. Close to London, and a field used extensively by RAF and RNAF (Norwegian) flying offensive operations, mostly in Spitfire mk IXs, into France. https://www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/northweald/history/ https://northwealdairfield.org/History/history.html
  21. Yes- it is regional. The French side, spefically from Calais towards Le Havre have few (if any) trains, while GB has huge numbers. Hoping it will be evened out over time.
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