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About iFoxRomeo

  • Birthday 05/01/1980

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, IL-2
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  1. Den Satz unmittelbar davor, hast du überlesen?
  2. USB 3.0 ist das Minimum um grün "Compatible connection" zu bekommen. Im Oculus debug tool kann man die Bitrate "nur" bis 500Mbps hochdrehen; regulär. Mit Tricks geht auch, ich glaube, 960Mbps. Ich konnte zwischen 500 und 960 keinen wirklichen Unterschied feststellen. Bei Airlink weiss ich nicht, wie hoch die Datenrate ist. Bei Desktop VR geht der Stream nur bis 200Mbps. Da habe ich schon den Eindruck gehabt, dass es der Kabelverbindung unterlegen ist. Der Ladezustand des Akkus kann auch am Kabel während der PCVR Nutzung nicht gehalten werden und sinkt kontinuierlich ab. So lange der Akku recht neu ist, kann man sicherlich 6-7h rausholen, bevor das HMD meckert, dass es leer ist. Aber wenn der Akku irgendwann mal nicht mehr seine 100% Kapazität hat, wirds weniger. Und einfach mal den Akku tauschen is nich. Gibt Tear-Down Videos, wo ich Tears bekomme, wenn ich sehe, wie verschachtelt der Akku eingebaut ist. Hoffentlich macht der Akku lange mit. Passthrough geht, wie Phantom bereits sagte, durch Doppeltippen ans Headset. Das ist kein dediziertes Feld, das man antippen muss, sondern einfach eine doppelte Erschütterung des HS. Erfolgsrate liegt so bei 80%. Wenns nicht klappt, war man idR zu zaghaft. Das geht jederzeit und unterbricht DCS nicht. Aber das geht nicht per Tastendruck(Joystick/Keyboard). Und das bringt mich zur Frage: Bist du nur auf das Passthrough scharf oder sind da auch andere Eigenschaften, die dich zum Wechsel anregen? Ich kenne die Pico 3 nicht. Das Passthrough ist zwar ne tolle Sache, aber damit kann man nicht wirklich vernünftig/schnell Tastatureingaben während des Spiels machen.
  3. Das ging ja schnell Danke dir
  4. Geilo! Sooo, wer meldet sich freiwillig das "Diskokugel"-Skin zu erstellen, damit HB es zu den offiziellen Skins dazupacken kann?
  5. I have the following specs: Ryzen 9 5900X, 3080ti, 64GB RAM, Oculus Quest 3. I had a HP Reverb G1 and G2 before. Your system should be at least same or likely better performing than mine. What does the test say to the 1.6Gbps, is it compatible(green) with this speed? My settings in OCULUS: My settings in DCS I really don't like the picture DLSS currently produces. Performance gain is great, but the picture even in quality mode is not good. If that changes in the future, I will gladly use it. You can set the PD in DCS or the OCULUS software. But be careful to not set horrendous products. 1.3*1.3 will kill your fps. I went with 1.0 in Oculus and 1.3 in DCS. I might change that, as other games don't have a PD setting in game. Contrary to popular believe it doesn't matter where you set your PD. Only the resulting resolution counts. I currently don't use the OpenXR toolkit. It is installed but deactivated. Now it is important to use either Oculus debug tool or the tray tool. Unfortunately the tray tool has issues with Windows 11. I haven't found a solution for it, hence I use the oculus debug tool. BUT some settings are saved, some are not. So you have to set them before you start DCS. Settings in the "Oculus Link" area are saved. FOV, Visible HUD is not saved. You said cartoonish graphics? That was my first thought when I made the first flight with the Q3. Set "Link Sharpening" DISABLED ! Reduce sharpening in DCS. I have 0.3. Play with that. FOV is a individual thing. Reduce it as much as possible. But only so much that it doesn't disturb you. I can live with small black areas that are visible, but are not too disturbing. Why? A FOV of 1.0*1.0(default) renders high resolution images outside of your FOV (which is depending on the distance between your eyes and the Q3 lenses) for nothing. Play with FOV settings till you find a good compromise. You gain a lot by reducing FOV: 9.114.624 Pixel is the total amount the Q3 has. If you increase PD by 1.3 the PC has to calculate 11.849.011 Pixel (*refresh-rate) per second. In my case I reduced FOV by 0.9*0.62=0.558. So my PC has to calculate 6.611.748(*72) per second but with a 1.3 times higher PD in the visible area. This gives me headroom in DCS, so that it runs most of the time with 72fps, without the need of ASW. Currently I fly a lot with the old warbirds. So with more modern modules that might be different. Use "Visible HUD" - Performance in the Oculus debug tool to see the headroom and the performance overall. Make a routine to compare the different settings. E.g.: create a simple mission, where you sit in your ac in the air and fly the same route. Otherwise it is difficult to assess the changes in performance with different game/PD etc. settings. How to start DCS: Start OCULUS software Start OCULUS Debug tool Change the settings like FOV Activate the link, and you should immediately see the reduced FOV in the OCULUS VR area. If NOT then something didn't work, but you noticed it before launching (and waiting) for DCS to start. Start DCS Fox
  6. Do you see this anywhere else? Passthrough, video playback from the HMD, standalone game on the Q3, different game on PC.
  7. Wie geil is das denn?? Danke @ex81 für die Info darüber.
  8. Good luck with this bug. I reported an altimeter setting bug for the K4 about 8 years ago. After only 6 years it was acknowledged, but... I updated from 2.8.8 to 2.9 today. But before that I made a few screenshots. Altimeter setting on the Spitfire was ok on 2.8.8(Caucasus, QNH 2992/1013). Interestingly the scaling direction also changed with 2.9. 2.8.8 QNH 1013 Caucasus 74ft Elevation, check scale and scale direction 1000 -> 1020 2.9(latest) QNH 1013 Caucasus 74ft elev., altimeter set to 74ft results in 992 setting, check scale direction now 1000 -> 980 2.9(latest) QNH 1013 Caucasus 74ft elev., altimeter set to 1013hPa ->approx. 550ft below elevation Fox
  9. FANTASTIC! Within reasonable range, the Bullets hit the MiG15 very precisely and to my surprise, they are extremely deadly for the MiG. Great Job! Has the V0 of the bullets been adjusted?
  10. Oh boy, that looks great. The problem now will be that, sitting in the Mustang I will be looking at the Bombers instead of watching out for bogeys.
  11. You should contact customer support https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/
  12. You should download the client via https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/world/ Here, after logging in, you can see your available Kickstarter licenses. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/personal/backer/ The licenses are, afaik, not transferable to steam. The Mossie and Fw190 A8 and I-16(3rd party) are not in the Kickstarter pool, but you can try them in the 14 day trial period.
  13. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/508681281/dcs-wwii-europe-1944/description Certainly it doesn't help how CowanSim stumbled into this thread. But he is still right, ED was part of this whole project. Not financially in the Kickstarter, but still part of the project, or what does "...in partnership..." mean? ED could have dropped the whole thing, but I think Igor had the feeling to honor the 2553 participants by taking over and fulfilling this project, even if it takes some time. And what prevented ED from adjusting the planned modules? Back then ED and DCS were not as big as they are now and I and certainly many others supported ED by buying modules they never intended to use. Unfortunately Igor went far to early from us and shortly after that was the point where I felt the project was "dropped". I still hear the artist formerly known as Sithspawn saying: "Nick loves the Hellcat" I feel forsaken by ED in this regard.
  14. So, Hiob, wenn das jetzt nicht stimmt, dann, ja dann gibts ne Botschaft für dich.... Hab sie mir jetzt auch geholt. Jane's F-15 Member Berries gab's kostenlos dazu... fly-by-Stahl-wire
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