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About mthatdan

  • Birthday August 22

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  • Location
    SoCal, USA
  1. Thanks, found it under user/saved games/open beta/config/options
  2. A while back I set up DCS to span multiple screens, since then I have rearranged my screens and my display is wack. I can't do it from the UI. Where / What do I need to edit to just get back to my main display? TIA
  3. the readability and extraction components need to be fixed. As is if you modify one, you screw the other. I'm with you Voodoo_37, should have waited and saved by $150, checking back later.
  4. Haven't had a chance to check, any improvement here?
  5. Hopefully, someday soon, we will have readable displays, both internally and exported
  6. I have a X-keys matrix board in my pit which, tied to toggle switches, emulates key strokes. I have set the"M" button on the EHSI to Shift+Alt+3 (or something like that) When in the controller set up page, I push the button and it jumps right to the "M" entry but, when in 3D, it does not work. Using the same keystrokes on the keyboard does work. Any thoughts or recommendations on what to try? Thanks,
  7. Dear ED, I wish I may, I wish I might, have internal and exported displays, that look just right.
  8. BD, how you doin man? Been a long time, eh?
  9. Don’t know if fully implemented but, you could set program 5 for 1 flare and program 6 1 chaff
  10. BuzzU, I do not have VR, zoomed in they are difficult to read. So much so that I only go sight seeing. I would wait if I were you, I wish I would have waited...
  11. Thank you for official response Will wait patiently
  12. @^AirWolf how is the quality of your exported F-16 MFDs? Mine look like crap.
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