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Everything posted by =RAF=Armen

  1. Yes, after the update there was a problem with landing confirmation in some missions. I will fix it. Thanks everyone for the report.
  2. Спасибо за отзыв! Да, поведение ботов иногда не предсказуемо. Посмотрю что можно сделать.
  3. Спаибо за отзыв! В миссии "Бандитский лагерь" место посадки должно быть обозачено дымом.
  4. The problem with the wingman taking off in some missions was resolved with update 2.9.
  5. Проблема с взлетом ведомого в некоторых миссиях решилась с обновлением 2.9.
  6. Currently working on a campaign for Apache on the Syria map. But the project is still at an early stage.
  7. Hi, Of course, the campaign was tested many times before release. And at the time of release everything worked fine. The fact that the wingman does not take off is not a bug of the campaign itself, but an error in the behavior of the helicopter AI. This has already been fixed in the internal version of DCS. Therefore, I suggest waiting for the next update. Thank you for your patience. Regards, Armen
  8. Dear Dave, You don't need to do anything, the fix will be installed along with the update.
  9. Hi, Yes you are right. There is a problem. I'll fix it. Thanks for the report!
  10. I meant not protected, but counted. Features of Google translation)
  11. There are no site restrictions at this location, the landing zone covers all 4 sites. Perhaps you did not fully lower the throttle control and your landing was not protected.
  12. Hi, Thank you for your attention. This is a typo and will need to be corrected.
  13. When testing, there were no such problems with the slave. I will definitely take a look. Thanks for the high rating, I really appreciate it.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. In high altitude conditions, helicopters are always difficult. In all missions, I chose the optimal weapon configuration and fuel supply for the task, in my opinion. When testing missions, this issue has always been given attention. With certain skills, takeoff is always possible. Also in almost all missions there is a good wind that helps. And I specifically left the opportunity to change weapons at your discretion.
  15. After permission from the dispatcher, you need to taxi and queue for the Mi-26. Don't be afraid to get closer to the Mi-26. The soldier stands there on purpose so that the Mi-26 does not fly away ahead of time. You can safely launch at your own pace, the Mi-26 will be waiting for you at the runway. At the expense of speed, I tried to set such a pace so that it would not be boring to fly after him)). Do not try to get too close, 200-300 meters will be enough.
  16. Здесь произошло редкое стечение обстоятельств, вы сбили его очень близко к границе и он спланировал за границу. Я когда тестировал миссиию, срезал ему крыло. Рекомендую ставить быстрый темп стрельбы из пушки. А миссию я поправлю чтобы после сбития другие триггеры уже не сработали если даже он упадет на своей территории. Спасибо за отзыв!
  17. Подходите пока диспетчер не отреагирует
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