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Everything posted by gcompc

  1. I believe there is a patch in user downloads for the spinning prop issue
  2. I'd be interested in DCS Merch. Some cool shirts with huds, DCS aircraft, mugs, baseball caps etc. Maybe they could contract it out, but the whole idea is for profits from the merchandise to go into development. May be more hassle than it's worth or there may be merchandise already and I don't know where to look. I'd buy!
  3. Quick question, Will all shipments after customer 350 be V.2 units. I'm on the list after 350 and would prefer a V.2 although I did not note that on my PM.
  4. I have a different take on VR. I’m as happy as I’ve ever been with it since I’ve been flying in DCS. I run a pretty decent setup and have good general playability, smoothness, and visuals in the game I’m the average player who is happy with their VR set up. Let me tell you where the real engine and developer problems are and that’s in “Real World”. I flew in civil aviation for a few years and looking back I now realize I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I did. Flying a Cessna 152 or 172 I was always fighting updrafts and crazy turbulence changes on hot breezy days. Turning 360’s with my instructor never failed to cause nausea. Flying over populated areas on a hot summer day. I never saw the beauty of the scenery; I just saw a dense dirty haze. Other great adventures like getting lost on a cross country, “Do you have runway in sight?” I don’t have the airport in sight! Crosswind landings oh what a joy. In "Real World" none of the visuals are adjustable. The glare of the sun is always directly in your face and there is no gamma adjustment slider. You can’t adjust the wind speed or velocity and there are no turbulence settings. Clearly the developers have fallen short here. To top it off the real world has only one plane that I can afford to fly." In VR I can run away from all those uncomfortable feelings. I can fly in perfect scenery; I control the weather and environment. I have some the world’s most realistic and complex aircraft at my fingertips. I’m not afraid of anything! I rest very comfortably in my flight chair, no G’s here. I guess you could call me the timid pilot but DCS in VR is the perfect escape for me. I enjoy keeping it real, but, let's say not 100 per cent real. The point? Although probably irrelevant and not an in-depth opinion DCS in VR is better than the real thing for me even with all its perceived shortcomings. I’ll never give it up and I bet neither would most of us in this forum.
  5. Same here, love the Huey Started flying the Huey in VR for about a month now. Can't seem to move on to my other modules now, damn Huey's got me. I think it's really tough to learn but once you're able to hover and land (almost where you want) you're getting the hang of it, really takes time but most rewarding. I wanted better controls to help me proceed without spending a fortune. Here's what worked for me. I have a set of CH Pro Pedals and a CH Combat stick that I had gotten off E-Bay for $50.00 for the set (lucky). What I did to the stick was remove the springs which just consist of unscrewing the screws in the bottom of the base and removing the springs from the gimbals. I used duct tape covered by packing tape on the exposed area back and front of stick to adjust the feel in the vertical axis and give some stiffness. I was able to stick a business card in between the gap for the roll axis. These give the right feel and the stick remains in place wherever you position it. The collective is the CH Pro Throttle mounted at a 45 degree angle and mounted to my chair. There are articles on how to add velcro to the stick sliding surface to change it’s stiffness to your liking. I set up the buttons to emulate the real collective and even the hidden trigger, works great. I use a set of CH rudder pedals with the springs removed and a slight modification as shown, these work out great It’s sort of primitive but works great for the helicopter and increases control immensely. Check out Ebay you can find these items from time to time for a really cheap deal. Hope the photos help clear up what I’m attempting to explain.
  6. Hey, thanks for these great files, I'm attempting to use the VoiceAttack file for the Huey radio tuning and can't seem to get the hang of it. I can get the radios to tune to the airfields OK. When I try to tune the VHF, UHF or FM radios it doesn't work. I reset Huey frequencies just fine. Whenever I say for example "VHF radio tune to... or tune VHF radio to ..... or tune VHF radio frequency my VoiceAttack just gives "unrecognized" response. this is for UHF, FM as well. Could you type out a few different command lines so I know that I'm giving the right commands. The script is great for other commands as well use it a lot. Thanks
  7. This looks great, Would like to see some step by step info on how this is done. Perhaps more videos or a PDf instructional file if possible. Tried hard to decipher videos but very difficult. Great work though. Thanks
  8. Got it, thanks for the info.
  9. Just a quick question. When I load the P-51D for training, SP missions or just to gawk at, it loads the P-51D-25-NA on the loading screen so I assume that's what model it is. The question is how do I load the 30-NA? When I look in the Mod/aircraft/ liveries for the P-51D it shows both the 25-NA and the 30-NA. In the game under Special it shows both as Default. Is the 30-NA part of 25-NA when the aircraft loads or is it a separate aircraft? Thanks
  10. I run the Rift S with a GTX 1070, i7 7700k coming from a CV1 I'm able to set MSaa x2 and PD of 1.2 and DCS performs pretty good and the clarity is still better than the CV1. To me it's much better at target spotting and cockpit clarity than the CV1 even with a 1070 and it does run smoothly enough for me. I do plan on upgrading the card but if you're confined to a GTX 1070 and can't splurge for a card upgrade and a new headset the S is the perfect solution. It works, the other consideration is that eyecandy is subjective. Get something you can try with the ability return to see for yourself. If you get too deep into the technicalities and specs and why this is better than that or I'll wait forever you may never be satisfied. But even satisfaction is a 80% deal, that's life so go ahead enjoy now. The people on this forum have a great amount of combined experience because they took the plunge. They have been the guiding factor for me. It's all a little experimental at this stage but it's all still good fun. I thank everyone in the forum for their experience and knowledge and that's from someone who started with Sublogic Flight Simulator.
  11. External views in replay I too am having this problem of not being able to switch to external view during playbacks. I could do this up until about a month or two ago ( not sure)with no problem. I did not change any mission settings or have to alter any .lua files I could simply replay the mission and change views. It's strange that watching from the cockpit causes me a little initial nausea also. This worked automatically until recently. I still have 1.5.8 installed as I still like it and run it occasionally. I ran a mission in 1.5.8 and did a replay. I was able to change from cockpit to outside views in the replay without any issues. Perhaps this option is broken or has been dropped from 2.5. I didn't have to edit or change anything , it just worked.
  12. Rift S and Microphone Been reading about different solutions for Rift S speakers including headphones, earbuds etc. If you use the jack to plug in earbuds or other headphone solutions do you lose your Rift S microphone? Haven't read too many people mentioning this so is the mic still usable with headphones or do you need to supply a mic as well. Thanks
  13. I'd be in for some T's Love to have a T-shirt with my favorite aircraft on it. They could contract it out like most merchandisers do. More money for them more development and cool stuff for us. :)
  14. I'm currently using 2.5 and noticed that when I replay a mission I can no longer change views while figuring out what I did wrong, as usual. When I was using 1.5 I could change views while evaluating a mission. I also thought I was able to do it in 2.5 but I'm only have the in-cockpit view available during playback now. Did this change or is there a setting that I have missed after an update as I can't say exactly when this stopped working. Thanks
  15. Rift S vs PD settings Very interested I'm planning on moving up to the Rift S but have a question about something I noticed in the forums with the newer headsets including the Rift S. The newer headsets like Rift S, Index, Reverb all have higher resolutions than most of the first generation headsets. The standard procedure with current headsets like the CV1 is to increase PD for a better resolution solution. However, it comes at a cost to performance. To get better performance it would seem the lower the PD the better. I notice that with many of these newer headsets with better resolution that is native people are still cranking up PD settings to achieve better resolution which should be already there. Seems like they would be able to lower the PD to approximately 1.0 as the newer headsets already produce better clarity with higher resolution. Doesn't increasing PD just put a larger load on the CPU for nothing and cause the cards to perform a little less better due to the amount of pixels that higher PD setting must calculate and interpolate? I probably am looking at this wrong, just need to know why you would increase PD with newer cards. I don't get it, help. Thanks
  16. Great idea! Thanks I went with the wide rudder mod and it really works great. Added a ramp and some foam pads. Just takes courage to make that first saw cut! :cry:
  17. Hello All, I've been reading VR posts forever and could not make a logical conclusion on one issue. I've been using the CV1 for a couple of years now and understand the lower resolution and its affects. Been thinking about the Rift S as next headset due to not wanting to upgrade machine (i7-7700k and GTX 1070). The question I have concerns outside cockpit image clarity. I read where many people who have upgraded to the Rift S are very pleased with in cockpit clarity but most say no change in outside clarity as compared to Rift CV1. I'm not sure about the Reverb or Valve as everyone is very impressed about cockpit clarity but not many really mention in detail the level of clarity outside the cockpit. There are a few who make a comparison that basically state that is sort of underwhelming (for the Rift S at least) and not that much improvement. My question is why would one not see an overall improvement to the same level both inside and outside the cockpit. This may be the case but I have not read all the details for different headsets. This will help with my decision for my future headset, Thanks
  18. Switch Panel As a newcomer I started flying DCS about 6 or 8 months back and the SU-25T is still my main aircraft. Thought I'd get another module as quickly as possible. Still flying the Su though with occasional bouts on the TF-51. I fly in VR and think the SU-25T is fantastic even without the clickable cockpit. I think it's a great introductory aircraft paired with the clickable TF-51 for those of us just feeling out the sim. I assume ED could just offer a pay for clickable Su_25T model as well, maybe? Anyway my whole point is I fly VR and to make the Su-25 just a little more friendly I just built a switch box using a BB-32 and SV Mapper for some really flexible button and toggle switch assignments. It's placed where the real switches would be when I'm reaching for them in VR, becomes natural pretty quickly. Best of all it's pretty cheap and can be used with other aircraft as well. Pic attached :smilewink: Above all thanks to all for these fantastic forums
  19. BBI-32 Actually I'm using the BBI-32 now that I've looked at it, works great.
  20. I tried hand controllers for about 30 minutes, no go. I use a small wireless mouse for clicking the switches etc. I have room on the throttle side and joystick side for it. Sensitivity can be adjusted in Windows for movement. Having it just behind the throttle works great as it keeps my other hand on the stick, I don't constantly keep my hand on the throttle anyway. I move it to the right side with my stick sometimes to see the difference. Since they are cheap I'm thinking about getting another one so I'll have one for both sides, It'll be like using whichever hand is more convenient. Just because the VR headsets come with hand controllers don't force yourself to try to use them in a flight sim and don't forget your lowly mouse which may not be as glamorous but works with a little training time.
  21. Button Box I built a button box that has around 32 switches and buttons consisting of single post single throw as well as single post double throw toggle switches. Some stay latched and some return to center, on- off-on type. The easiest way to make these work is with the BUO836X it's treated as another key board and some software called SVA Mapper (google it)which allows you to program the switches to give the result you want. It will give a latch switch a single pulse, repeat pulsing or whatever. It makes it very flexible without having to program lua files. I used some rotary pulse encoders to make knobs that rotate which I use for HUD brightness and weapons release interval and quantity for the Su-25T. Works great. :)
  22. Mountain crashes in Presents Mission I have the same problem but not each mission. I've flown this mission eight times and only avoided SAMS once. The main issue in the mission for me is that all eight times the Air Defense group (115) Su-25T's crash into the mountain sides on the way to target area, never fails. I arrive at the target area with no air defenses cleared, only a few minutes before being hit by a SAM. Would like to edit and fix the mission, I know very little about mission editor, when I open the file in Mission Editor I only see the Player aircraft and not the group that will engage the air defense ground targets so I can't edit them. Asking anyone, can this be fixed or are default missions unable to be edited? :cry_2:
  23. Hello All, I’ve noticed something in 1.5.8 lately that I’ve tried to ignore but I just can’t any longer, it’s just got me too curious. I recently was going back to the basic training tutorials for the Su-25T for one last time just to see how I’ve improved over a 3 month period. The first training tutorial is the Start up and Taxi and Takeoff. I’ve done this several times before and watched a Su-25T fly over after a truck rolls by during the aircraft startup sequence. Now when I load and start the tutorial during the startup sequence there are two SU-25T aircraft that fly overhead, turn, and then proceed to crash in a field on the other side of the runway. They just turn and fly into the ground complete with explosions and fire. I watch this sequence and it amazes me each time. I can’t take it anymore, is it me or my settings? I have to know if I’m still sane. Does this happen for anyone else or is this some kind of curse bestowed on my airfield? I need to know, it’s messing with my head. I have to warn and save these brave pilots and stop this madness. What can I do? I feel so helpless! And it’s just plain weird! Thanks,
  24. Doh! Never mind, how dumb can one be, tried the Start Simshaker Button, who would of thought! :doh:
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