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Everything posted by juankeiko

  1. Good memories come back to my head when i see this chop. One example is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz3Cc7wlfkI Probably i will buy it. Cheers folks.
  2. Hola a todos.Hace ya muchísimo que no vuelo pero lo del UH me ha despertado el gusanillo de nuevo, bueno, eso si el tiempo me lo permite. De todos modos, veo que ya os estáis poniendo las pilas con este nuevo módulo. Si todo va bien, nos vemos en el aire con el DCS: UH-1H Huey, para dar un poquillo de guerra. Saludos y aqui va un video de Apocalypse Now, para hacer boca y dar alguna idea que otra. Saludos y buenos vuelos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz3Cc7wlfkI
  3. At the moment Spectre, i had seen cheepest place in amazon for 62 dollars. People use several kind of screens, 7,8, 10 inchs for MCD, with usb connection like Lilliput or Mimo Screens, or, like many , 17 inches until 32,40 inchs for put MCD in a big screen with more instruments using Helios and another kind of software. I had 7-8 inchs screen for MCD, Price in that moment for each screen: 100 pounds. All that you want to do, all will be expensive, more or less, but expensive. By the way, if you want do something normal, with thinking just a little bit, you can save more money. I hope help you.
  4. Gracias de nuevo. Ya he dado más o menos con el tema. Te cuento que los números negativos si se pueden poner, todo depende si tienes el monitor auxiliar a la izquierda o derecha en el windows. Esta es la nueva configuración. Todavía haciendo pruebas, pero ya tengo algo. _ = function(p) return p; end; name = _('Prueba'); Description= '2 mfcd' Viewports = { Center = { x = 0; y = 0; width = 1360; height = 768; viewDx = 0; viewDy = 0; aspect = 1.77083333333333; } } RIGHT_MFCD = { x = -412; y = 366; width = 370; height = 370; } LEFT_MFCD = { x = -1319; y = 336; width = 370; height = 370; } UIMainView = Viewports.Center
  5. Hola y muchísimas gracias por contestar tan rápido. Habéis entendido perfectamente lo que he querido expresar( aunque mi explicación no había sido lo más clara posible) Gracias Vibora y Design por la ayuda. Los dos MFCD de thrustmaster los tengo adosados a la pantalla pequeña y sí, quiero trasladar los del simulador a esta pantalla. Yo tenía esta configuración: name = _('Scramble'); Description = ' Dos MFCD' Viewports = { Center = { x = 0; y = 0; width = 1360; height = 768; viewDx = 0; viewDy = 0; aspect = 1.77083333333333; } } RIGHT_MFCD = { x = 7; y = 7; width = 370; height = 370; } LEFT_MFCD = { x = -13; y = 379; width = 370; height = 370; } UIMainView = Viewports.Center Probaré con la tuya Design y ya os contaré. La verdad que hacer esto me supone un paso adelante con la cabina. Gracias de nuevo y estamos en contacto.:):thumbup:
  6. Hola a todos. Estoy a vueltas con la configuración de una segunda pantalla para el Simulador del DCS A10C. En este segundo monitor quiero poner los Thrustmaster MFCD. El archivo que tengo que modificar es este: LMFCD+Camera+RMFCD, que se encuentra en esta dirección del simulador: C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS A-10C\Config\MonitorSetup. No soy capaz de trasladar los MFCD del Simulador a la segunda pantalla, he sumado el ancho, largo de ambas pantallas , cambiado la resolución y nada modificando todo, y a duras penas consigo algo. Si alguien sabe exactamente las cifras que debo poner se lo agradecería. Las pantallas son estas: Acer 32" resolución 1360x768( en windows está como número 2 y es la principal para volar). Acer19" 1366x768( en windows está como número 1 y es en la que quiero trasladar los MFCD). He leído los foros del multimonitor en inglés del DCS y he intentado usar el Easy Monitor y tampoco grandes avances. Gracias por la ayuda y deciros que la cabina que estoy construyendo va avanzando. Un saludo.:thumbup:
  7. Hello everyone. I need your help setting up screens and configure the + Camera + RMFCD.Lua LMFCD I have, as some of you, The Thrustmaster MFCD and would like to help me with this please. The first screen is an Acer 32 "Maximum resolution: 1360x768. (The Samsung 42", my wife would kill me if i Used it for the Simulator, hehe). The second screen is an Acer 19 "Maximum resolution: 1366 x 768. I want to use the second screen ACER 19 "Maximum resolution: 1366 x 768 for both Thrustmaster MFCD. Could you tell me the exact values for both monitors ​​to modify the + Camera + RMFCD.Lua LMFCD? I have advanced the cabin, but until it has completed the front of the cockpit I would use both monitors. Thank you very much for your help
  8. Hello. This weekend I finished my ACES II. It was easy to make and fast. First you must choose the material you want to build. I have used wood 12 mm and 3 mm. You have several qualities of wood in the market, so, choose the best you can afford and it must be strong. The seat foam is also easy to find in big markets where you sell even wood. I can tell you that the seat is very comfortable and easy to do. It is clear that you can always change according to your height milimeters for be more ergonomic.I am 1.83 cm of high and I've only tweaked a few things. Now i need just paint it and add step by step the side panels for switches etc.. Here I leave the link where I picked up the information. You have a PDF on the same site. A greeting and enjoy the construction of the ACE II. http://www.simpits.org/design/HowTo_AceIIseat/HowTo_Ace1.html Here at the end of this page you have the pdf Link: http://www.simpits.org/design/HowTo_AceIIseat/HowTo_Ace7.html :pilotfly::thumbup:
  9. if is possible do this: first go to the hotas web, download last drivers and new firmware. Install it like Administrator. :thumbup:
  10. like always you are doing a very good job. Nice man. Go on. Cheers
  11. pues me va a costar encontrarlos. Para hacerlos funcionar, pues con una placa madre para servos y los servos correspondientes. No será nada,nada fácil.
  12. Serial Number: 05487 Santiago de Compostela / Spain
  13. Check this webs: http://www.leobodnar.com/products/BU0836X/ http://groovygamegear.com/webstore/i...becc2c66c2b6f8 http://www.ultimarc.com/ipac1.html http://www.u-hid.com/home/overview_board.php http://simple-solutions.de/shop/inde...90dd196d9a1a8a http://www.desktopaviator.com/Produc...2120/index.htm:smilewink::thumbup:
  14. The scenes apear when the movie starts. Some of them in half. When also i have seen the movie and attacking A10, bua, awesome. And make a skin like that would be wonderfull.
  15. Lo que hab'eis hecho ha sido y es UNA GRAN OBRA DE ARTE. Gracias por compartir toda esta informaci'on y por el gran esfuerzo dedicado. Me quito el sombrero, seńores. Ahora ya no hay excusa para indagar m'as en el manual. Un abrazo y buenos vuelos.
  16. Aqui alguien tuvo problemas porque le aparec'ia en ESPAŃOL y quer'ia ponerlo en ingl'es. m'irate este enlace. Espero que te pueda ayudar en algo. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1254794&postcount=46 http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=1254261#post1254261 Saludos
  17. A few minutes ago I found this awesome video of the A10C Warthog. The mental and physical training of these pilots is tremendous. Observe the breathing of the pilot and the effort made by the G. Enjoy it.:book::thumbup:
  18. Here's our plane releasing iron in the movie Terminator Salvation. The sound is very very good. See the full video and fix some of the evasion maneuvers. Awesome. Enjoy it. :thumbup:
  19. copiado y gracias por la informaci'on. Saludos y nos vemos arriba.
  20. You have here the official web: http://www.thrustmaster.com/product.aspx?ProductID=168 and you can buy here or another web: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Thrustmaster-Replica-Force-Cougar-Flight/dp/B002HH9TRY
  21. Are you using something like that ? http://www.opencockpits.com/modules.php?name=Content2&pa=showpage&pid=47 Check this as well, is the manual. Is in Spanish Language but with the pictures, and diagrams you will understand it. http://www.andare-ing.com/uploads/Manual_USBServos.pdf Check this too:
  22. Thanks for the tips and warnings. I'm not frightened by the hard work that is to operate instruments and avionics for the simulator. If I were I would not have gotten into this world, I mean to make it real yet. Now I have taken the step and I will not take back, that's clear. The truth is that I will be hard to find the real instrumentation. From this we have discussed in other post. I asked for help and advice, and you have given me. I am very grateful. No matter how long it takes to get parts but I will make the simulator. A greeting and thank you very much for your help.
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