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  1. 120° H FOV 90° V FOV great lenses Starting to sound interesting
  2. Thats what it looked like to me, a device comparable to the Q3 but at twice the price
  3. Its an unknown manufacturer but the prototype looks very promising. * Full edge to edge clarity * Retina resolution * Almost full FOV
  4. I've updated the coordinates in DCS Web Viewer. You can also draw and measure with the map tools. https://dcs-web-editor.github.io/dcs-web-viewer-deploy/?zoom=6&lat=34.488447837809304&lon=67.39013671875001 ( To enable all map layers go to https://account.mapbox.com/auth/signup/, sign up for a free account and paste the mapbox key into the field in the menu. Then reload the browser )
  5. I've updated the coordinates in DCS Web Viewer and DCS Web Editor https://dcs-web-editor.github.io/dcs-web-viewer-deploy/
  6. Can we have the coordinates?
  7. DCS Web Viewer 0.4.38 is released https://dcs-web-editor.github.io/dcs-web-viewer-deploy/ You can SAVE or LOAD your paintings/ scribbles / texts as json files. They are saved as latitude/longitude coordinates, so they will appear exactly on the map where you put them.
  8. This was faster than I expected, my estimate was 6 months after release for a first beta. https://testflight.apple.com/join/YoK2nuX6 https://github.com/alvr-org/ALVR https://github.com/pushrax/OpenVR-SpaceCalibrator
  9. 102 -> 112° FOV smaller sweetspot clarity about same some eye strain more chromatic abberation
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