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About Vector1

  • Birthday 11/25/1958

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World 2.8 Beta
  • Location
    Melbourne Australia
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  1. my guess is maybe it's a lot bigger?
  2. Have you got SteamVR installed , Also I use SkateZilla's updater app to auto open SteamVR , before DCS opens When I open Steam from inside Pico Connect desktop I can't get DCs to open. Hope that helps .
  3. Oceandar , no advantage , it is free , and trying to compare Pico Connect visuals to Virtual Desktop, also I have found , Wi-Fi bite rate is only half of Virtual Desktops , so it might be advantageous for people that don't have Router/Modem right next to them , Like me who had to buy another modem , and run Ethernet through a wall to get the 1200 mbps that Virtual Desktop requires for the best outcome! Vector1 please read
  4. Have you got SteamVR installed , Also I use SkateZilla's updater app to auto open SteamVR , before DCS opens When I open Steam from inside Pico Connect desktop I can't get DCs to open. Hope that helps .
  5. Hi , I know this has been asked before , is there any way to resize the window to fit the screen , at the moment to very hard to see the bottom of the screen, thanks in advance
  6. Hi , found the problem , was running XRNS , that's why it was crashing when loading mission , even though Pico Connect uses OpenXR , it still uses SteamVR , so XRNS is not compatible with Steam ! , without XRNS running it works OK. I am going to try VRNS to see if that works with Pico Connect , Also as a comparison with Virtual Desktop I use Godlike, getting similar results with same settings in DCS, only difference is Pico Connect hasn't got Godlike , I use Ultra in that . PS I noticed Pico Connect only uses half the Wi-Fi Bandwidth Virtual Desktop does? Also you have to have SteamVR installed on your Computer!
  7. Hi , found the problem , was running XRNS , that's why it was crashing when loading mission , even though Pico Connect uses OpenXR , it still uses SteamVR , so XRNS is not compatible with Steam ! , without XRNS running it works OK. I am going to try VRNS to see if that works with Pico Connect , Also as a comparison with Virtual Desktop I use Godlike, getting similar results with same settings in DCS, only difference is Pico Connect hasn't got Godlike , I use Ultra in that . PS I noticed Pico Connect only uses half the Wi-Fi Bandwidth Virtual Desktop does?
  8. Anyone been able to get Pico Connect app working in DCS , without it DCS crashing ? if so help would be appreciated.
  9. Hi ,can get it to load in VR, but when try instant mission it crashes and generates crash log I sent it to Eagle Dynamics. Ps that is with WiFi, will try usb connection tomorrow. Will let you know how it goes .Vector1
  10. Eastern Mediterranean, including Italy , Malta , Libya and Egypt , that way we can use it for WW11 and modern times . Big Ask
  11. Thanks that worked , easy peasy when you know how!
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