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VR Flight Guy in PJ Pants

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Everything posted by VR Flight Guy in PJ Pants

  1. I don't think hand tracking can be used to launch stuff or interacting with the toolbar in Rift-S mode.
  2. I was just being sarcastic, please allow me. Thank you.
  3. Would any psychic or fortune teller or conspiracy theorist comment on the video above regarding the ETA?
  4. We shall overdone… We shall overdone… We shall overdone…some day day-a-a (Same goes for British cooking instructions)
  5. Clouds in VR sucks, even at ultra setting, and I can tell you after using both Pico4 and QPro, it is not the headset's fault. Ah, I don't use the controller charging cable so I cannot tell. But those from VR Cover work and perform data link. The longer one also charging at the same time, not to mention, it is much longer.
  6. I use a 3rd party one, costed me less than £19.00. -- see my thread for details.
  7. If you are using OpenXR, there is an option to show VRAM usage. It may be a bit crude but I think it may help.
  8. That Oculus Link dialogue box shows up once, normally. There is no need to go back to Quest Home afterwards, unless you want some standalone stuff. If so, you can reconnect click on the "battery + clock" sign on the bottom of the Quest Home. "Quick Settings" A menu shows up and then click on Oculus Link button on the right. Hint: you can power off the headset even in the Rift-S environment
  9. No, I always have ASW turned off. Let me see if I can capture this issue.
  10. This video may answer some questions (at about 11:27):
  11. One more thing I missed out: run the script only after entering the Rift-S/Oculus Link mode.
  12. The fun part is in VR, the frame rate can be high (e.g. >80 fps) but when you turn the head to either left or right, you will find very tiny stutters or ghosts. It is more noticeable when the fly-by plane is larger (e.g. Su-27 series). Using reskiined cockpit texture lightens the issue or get rid of it.
  13. Still waiting for some dogfight videos -- GR's aerial gunnery video does not count...
  14. To turn off ASW, I have a script: "C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics\OculusDebugToolCLI.exe" <noasw.txt pause ----------- server:asw.off service set-use-fov-stencil off service set-client-fov-tan-angle-multiplier 0 0 exit ----------- Yeah, I have posted this many months ago. noasw.txtnoasw.bat
  15. Honestly, I am as clueless as you are regarding the multiplier thingy after almost 3 years....just stick with the resolution. In the short cut menu, when selecting Oculus Link, you can turn off Air Link and "always use" the USB instead.
  16. My problem with the default texture is that it affects the performance a bit (ghosting) which does not show in other cockpits.
  17. You will see 1.5x max at 90Hz, and I think QPro does not support 120Hz.
  18. The F-15E pilot "review" is here (sorry if it has already been posted):
  19. Well,the right-hand pos is for F-15EX with parking brake. Is there really video showing the stick can be removed? BTW, almost all non-FC3 planes can hide the stick (except for F-14 RIO?), so I would expect the MudHen can do the same. Any idea about the sun visor thing?
  20. Not mentioned nor any sun blocking equipment as in Mirage 2000C
  21. I get it, some videos really mention nothing regarding preview, e.g. Baltic Dragon AA radar tutorial.
  22. Really? Most of them say they were showing preview version which may be changed upon release. Also, some GR videos stated very explicitly that the IFF was not working at all, at the moment. Continuing above, again I guess they would not tell you the bugs, crashes, etc (except for one I guess), as it would be not helpful to anyone.
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