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Everything posted by Torun

  1. It's been asked and answered. Try to do your best to search the thread if you're so sure it's been asked before instead of asking again.
  2. Awesome suggestions @Kamov32, especially about the Mosquito. Its speed and capacity is easily balanced by its limitations in taking water only from larger bodies and requiring a field to depart from, increasing leg distances. And with it being an official module, stability won't be much of an issue. Though the question remains if it would even be possible to add weight to its cargo dynamically, as it might not have any cargo to speak of.
  3. I definitely think there should be a keybind for the pedal microswitches, if for nothing else than binding it on the HOTAS. In the Mi-8, I already put the Yaw adjust knob on HOTAS anyway and this wouldn't be bothersome, quite the opposite. One could even get smart and emulate the toe brakes on their pedals to act as those microswitches, or just plain tape a button on it and more. But I also have an alternative suggestion, one that I'd ideally like to see as an option alongside the keybind. Not just an adjustable deadzone for the hold to activate, but a moving one, that would establish each time the trim button is released. Instead of trimming the rudder itself, it would move the zone on the rudder axis where the heading hold engages, and disengage heading hold and move to stabilization when trim is held. Basically: Why not tie the microswitches to the trim button?
  4. I think the change in fire spreading is a game-centric decision, which is quite welcome, even if it's a departure from realism in wildfires. I'll be the first to say this is a flight sim, not a fire sim. Wind does a lot more than just dictate the spread of fire and to do it justice would become very convoluted. Better to just let pilots enjoy themselves dumping water and making that particular bit of gameplay enjoyable.
  5. I tried the UH-60. It's a great start, it's quite nice for the kind of flying this server promotes, but let's be real - it's rather early to call it high quality. It needs to mature yet. The reason I'm saying this is that there's still a considerable bit of jank involved with the mod and it's something the admins have to consider intently and weigh it with the rest of their priorities in developing the server. The flight model lets you get away with a lot, it's like Settling with Power doesn't exist (yes, I'm one of those people who consider this separate from VRS, which used to be exagerated instead) and it somehow has enough countertorque to maintain strafing at 90 kt. I haven't been flying helicopters, well, ever, so I can't say if it's realistic, but it flies easier than in ArmA. That's strange. Ultimately, I don't care who flies what, but the mod is in early development and so its stability comes into question.
  6. Here's a small tip I found while putting together my next profile: If you find icons on another profile you like and want to use for yourself, remember that the profile file can be opened in WinRAR. You can extract it, then search for "png", and you get all the icons out. The catch is they're all the same names (state0 or state1), so you'll have to do the renaming yourself at some point or hope that whatever you use to copy the icons away lets you auto-name.
  7. I'd be up for having the Hawk around long as it's not required for all clients to install to boot up the server no matter what you want to fly. The A-4E mod for example allows for that, but there's a little meta-editing of the .miz involved where the mission maker has to wipe the "mods required" list because it's automatically populated.
  8. Here's a profile I put together for the AV-8B Harrier specifically for the 5x3 deck. It only really has essentials for transitioning between flight modes and lights, setting up the master switches, armaments and of course the UFC and ODU. Also video settings for both MPCDs. I mostly just used icons from previous profiles in this thread, but they were either meant for the XL or hastily slapped together just to fit the smaller deck. The ACNIP switches act a little wierd in that pressing the switch increments, but pressing the thing above it decrements. Somehow that makes sense to me. Edit: Forgot to mention this runs purely off of the DCS Export script, so... Yeah, you need it. AV-8B NA.streamDeckProfile
  9. On today's Huey session, I had particularly polar approaches, either absolute butter, or stunts I probably shouldn't have gone away with. Wonderful way to spend a public holiday afternoon. Some clips from the session below https://streamable.com/g8wym2 https://streamable.com/p69dhu https://streamable.com/gaigz6 https://streamable.com/h6rhai https://streamable.com/qxczof https://streamable.com/x1axpc Edit: Added another few clips which display a lot less hazardous behaviour
  10. I flew some more sorties recently and I continued to have the same issue on Vladikavkaz, unfortunately, but it's been a blast everywhere else. I must not be the only one since Kutaisi hospitals are almost full to the brim with patients! Also, I noticed an ADF beacon setting in the SAR settings of the F10 menu, how does that work? What frequency should I tune for?
  11. I have a habit of landing on the pad itself when recovering, and I wasn't able to refuel for the next sortie then, it's how I noticed this was an issue. That happened more than a month ago, though.
  12. I tried Vladikavkaz once more, stopping at multiple places with the Hind as shown in the attached image, making sure intercom is on and selected for the menu (as displayed by Interphone label above the list of radio options), and also kept the door open. At no point was I able to refuel. I also spawned with a Hip in there at around the lower-right spots on the picture, also couldn't refuel.
  13. So when will this server update to be compatible with the latest DCS OB? I'm starting to miss the searching and rescuing...
  14. I find that the Yaw stab channel is currently unstable, so it's a good thing I run foot pedals. The pitch does indeed slip into a Rocking Horse effect at low speeds, it's even induced by using the trim hat sometimes. But also, I sometimes get a really wierd phenomenon where placing my cyclic at a very specific fore deflection causes it to snap towards half aft. It only occurs when Pitch stab is on. It never occurs on any other aircraft. In Axis Tune settings, the axis doesn't snap like this either.
  15. At the Vladikavkaz hospital, refueling doesn't work. I believe FARP Fuel Depot isn't enough and a Command Post is missing.
  16. This waypoint type was brought to my attention and I can't really figure out what it is for and why and how would one use it. Reportedly, to get steering information for it, pilot has to flip steering to manual. The HB manual only seems to mention it in the glossary and Google doesn't say anything more. Does anyone have more clues on its use?
  17. Depends what do you want to move. TDC only works on the currently selected sensor. If you're trying to slew the DMT about when your active sensor is INS, nothing happens. Make sure to use the Sensor Select switch first.
  18. With the advent of the new drawing engine, CombatFlite's exports are becoming more obviously archaic than ever, and nav points and text labels in particular become rather awful. I've found a workaround for it and made it into a guide for your enjoyment!
  19. I apologize if I seem like I'm grasping at straws here, but I really agree with @Bog9y in that what RAZBAM pulled was a great job. In fact, I dare say they can hardly do any better and let me offer a bit of context to that. Error margins are acceptable depending on context: Even 20% is totally fine if it concerns small values and it's just a quick check of a measurement of something or a ballpark. That's somewhere where flight sims do and should operate; remember that while this is a sim, it's a commercial sim more slanted towards a gaming market. Going down to 10% error, that's good enough for monitoring values and it's even acceptable in some sanity-check laboratory experiments. What you're hoping for is 5%, which is reserved for literal, actual laboratory experiments. Most NFM-400 charts are made in anything but lab conditions, they were charted from flight tests. The specific one quoted here might not be, but I doubt it. If you wanted 5%, they'd have to be doing those in wind tunnels, accurate numerical physics models and simulations. The very source we're using here is way beyond 5%, and because of how minute some values are with the table in this thread, even the act of reading it off a graph with limited resolution and high clutter has an error beyond 5%, probably.
  20. About the weight limit, you might hear about this thing where you can perform a Rolling Vertical Landing which increases the weight limit to touch down with. You might then also think that if you can do this with a RVL, you can do a RVTO the same way... No, you can't. The NFM-000 doesn't list any weight limit change under RVTO, it only says it's performable under same characteristics as Hover performance and it's actually used when the surface is unsuitable for a VTO. I also tried to perform an RVTO in DCS and I could barely take off with 22k lbs. So barely I almost hit the trees 2000 ft farther. Edit: Weight limit with touchdown speed for reference for RVL off the NFM-0
  21. Sadly, that's as intended and IRL, VTOs aren't common. Don't worry, even with a high load (28k+ lbs), the ground roll can be easily crunched under 2000 ft. But do train a lot of air refuel because it's common to take off with low fuel and take a sip up in the air. Or hope you're on a FARP close to the AO, which is another way the Harrier's intended to be deployed, but no MP mission designer of note seems to think of that.
  22. I believe creating an API like this is the least ED could do to facilitate greater immersion. RujouniJones is basically offering up to labour to improve your game, ED! Meet him halfway.
  23. Might be. Best practice for DCS specifically is to not really aim for the target, but for the ground it's standing on. So if you're aiming at the ship, aim more for its waterline and slightly above it. For buildings, always target their base.
  24. My checklist: Get the hell out of A/C Stab and make sure you're in GND Stab. Do a half-action anywhere. Now you can start punching in coordinates. If you break INS again, use the F10 map to kind of get back on track and re-write OWN A/C again. If it's not available, TACAN beacons do still work and you can home in on them and perform a VIS FIX or an overfly fix. Or just land and re-align and forget that flight ever happened. I'm also not sure how does a size of the error prevent you from using a TACAN fix, but I never used a TACAN fix to fix rewriting own position. Edit: If you're in MP, there might be a human AWACS. They will be happy to help. Hoggit's got OverlordBot and it can vector you to the nearest airfield, you can perform a VIS FIX there. Another edit: If you got wingmen, do a Link 4C fix.
  25. Here's my two cents. Land. Open the rearm window, rearm as needed but remove the sidewinders including pylons. Chaff and flare should be input without the rail adapter count. Get rearmed, open the rearm window again, get the sidewinders with the chaff rail. Now, in the 2.7 patch, the cartridge settings as shown in the kneeboard started working correctly, but I still don't trust it + I had to deal with this so long I learned how to set up manually anyway: When you use the rail adapter, R10 becomes solely the rail adapter and is always C. R20 becomes R30, because the actual R10 cartridge is redirected to R20. So now you have L10, L20, Rail and R30. Any combination of countermeasures in multiples of 10 is still possible. My wing usually uses 20 chaff, 40 flares + rail adapter, this makes the countermeasures F C C F. Sometimes we use C F C F for A-G missions. I'll let you figure this one out.
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