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Everything posted by badger7966

  1. Hey....does anybody know if HB might model the Israeli modded version with the refueling probe mounted on the right of the A/C ?
  2. A few liveries that I would to see....times getting shorter !!! I dare any of the skin guru's out there to try to make the F-4......SP tail code with all those baby stencil's plastered all over the thing !!!
  3. Trim....trim....trim....and trim again !!!
  4. Here you go...Its quite an interesting video.
  5. Im totally fine with this and I appreciate the testing that goes into any release....In glad to receive a better release product. I can wait...thank you.
  6. I saw on a recent news clip that Ukraine has fired hydra 70mm rockets from their Hinds,and equiped them with IR supressors...Be nice to have that ir supressor !
  7. Oh come on dude..Im 40 years a aircraft structural engineer...bent metal is never good and requires immediate attention and rectification.... it is designed to flex,not bend.
  8. To be honest im not sure exactly they are talking about..if an electronic module fails,it fails...it does not degrage...same for every other system on an aircraft,,,if a part is l timexed .....and hits bthe hours its changed.....there is no degradation . the part has done its licenced hours....has done its job...there is no degradation in hydraulic,pneunatic or avionic parts...it works,or it does not.
  9. Its a real pain in the ass for us mechanics when they do this <profanity>,,,,, everything has the be re greased and rechecked.....thank God its not normal practice.
  10. badger7966

    Skin thread

    Im just looking at a few liveries online and found a few that would like to see.
  11. ya....i will be buying this......fantastic addition.
  12. My guy looks like he has a mix of tourettes and alzheimers !!!
  13. badger7966


    Cheap assAir Forcenever bought the Broach version.........this A version is pretty good as long as it doesnt get shot down.I think everybody is expecting way too much from these cluster munitions.....on paper a CBU97 can take out a dozen vehicles...but in reality do the figures turn out the same..... I think if a strike can take out a few vehicles and damage a few more its a success ???
  14. Im my view...it would be a cool campaign...the war between Serbia and Kosovo....lots of precise bombing to be done to prevent civilian casulties....long loiter times..... maybe refueling......based out of I guess the Caususes is the best map at present ??
  15. badger7966

    IFF Mode 4

    With no clue how it works....yet !!!
  16. badger7966


    Whats the Broach version ?....and does the F-15E carry them ? Maybe they are a little buggy..... no problem...it will be sorted.Ill keep trying until I get them to go BOOM !! Thank you.
  17. badger7966


    I tried to set them up like a JDAM...but I could not change the station.....there was no cue on the HUD.....I thought they wre set up like a JDAM ? Any hints please..... Master arm on.....Profile selected as PROG 1.....with 154 highlighted.....fuse set to N/T,this might be an issue ??? This module is getting better and better !!!
  18. badger7966


    Its supposed to be any minute now.
  19. I hope the USN/USMC versions are indeed seperate modules.....they are very differant from the Airforce versions.....Im happy to pay for both.....and a C/D.....F......and G when they come out!!!
  20. badger7966


    I understood we are not getting the 154 with 97 skeets....more an 87 light armour type skeet ?
  21. badger7966


    I hear that we are getting the AGM-154 in the next update. This thing has a range of 70 odd miles with a random spread pattern.....I was watching some DCS F-16 vids....this is an awesome capability to have especially against SAM sites and light targets. As far as I can tell the 97 puc monster had difficulties and was abandoned. There is another version with a hardened bomb housed inside.....that would be nice too. I took a look on youtube for some Mudhen AGM vids bt nothing yet...Maybe on How I Play channel soon.
  22. Hi.....I think if you take a look at youtube you will find something.
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