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About Khangirey

  • Birthday 01/01/1997

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  1. I'll have to check tomorrow. How do I see it? In the VR menu under system, and custom resolution?
  2. Anyone upgraded from a Reverb G2? So far, I'm on the fence of being dissapointed with my Q3. For the G2, I was used to very clear settings with a 1.0 resolution setting in Open XR Tools, and a 1.2 PD in DCS. This gave me very clear vision. Specifically, I chose to compare the text and quality of the gunsight panel on the Mig 21 (if you try this look at the range striations as well as the text of the red panels) To get even close to similar clarity (still worse imo), I had to force a 1.4-1.5 pixel density in the ODT, and combine that with a 1.3 DCS PD. Anyone had similar requirements to get clarity? Using the Q3 with a link cable, maxing out at 700mbps on H264 (265 has about a 2-3 second delay for me, and completely freaks out at above 200 mbps) Other things I noticed that people could check, is if you use the SRS radio, when you first launch the game the overlay in the left of the screen (red text) will be ultra blurry on the Q3, but on the G2 it is as crisp as all of the other text. (no clue why it does this) On the G2, I played with DLSS and got no visible bluriness, everything was still very crisp. Tried both DLAA and DLSS on Q3, similar results - both pretty blurry. Specs: 12600k (overclocked to 5 ghz) 3090 (overclocked +200 +800)
  3. Есть ли возможность починить или отключить функуию ФФБ воздушного тормоза на самолете Су-25А? В данный момент, при активации тормоза в воздухе, штурмвал начинает шёлкать в лево и право как часы, в вместо того штобы дрожать. Другой юзер еще с 2015-го года, сообщял что это может быть из-за слишком низкой частоты эффекта ФФБ.
  4. Is this usefull for VR players? I currently have a reverbg2
  5. Reposting this in the proper forum section ( I posted this in the 25A discussion forum originally) Tested with the VPForce Rhino FFB. The SU-25 is one of the few aircraft that have a specific force feedback effect on the engagement of the airbrake. When the airbrake deploys, the stick will mechanically "click" back and forth in a rhythmic fashion. This makes flying with the airbrake out very annoying. I was hoping that the developers could remove airbrake FFB effects in the meantime until a more proper fix is deployed. Many other aircraft don't have any effect at all for the brake, so this wouldn't be removing something that will be missed and or out of the ordinary. I have not tested the 25T, however I would imagine a similar problem exists there too.
  6. Tested with the VPForce Rhino FFB. The SU-25 is one of the few aircraft that have a specific force feedback effect on the engagement of the airbrake. When the airbrake deploys, the stick will mechanically "click" back and forth in a rhythmic fashion. This makes flying with the airbrake out very annoying. I was hoping that the developers could remove airbrake FFB effects in the meantime until a more proper fix is deployed. Many other aircraft don't have any effect at all for the brake, so this wouldn't be removing something that will be missed.
  7. Another user linked this to me. https://fpstoms.com/ You can try to use this tool to calculate your needed timings. In essence, if my desired frame rate is 90 (maximum frame rate of the G2), and my GPU shows me at 17ms (theoretical maximum of 58fps), and 3ms CPU, it means I am GPU bound. I would need to lower my latency to 11ms in order to hit the maximum 90fps. Think of it as the inverse of fps. More latency (measured in ms) = bad.
  8. The OpenXR Toolkit. The same readout you're getting with the yellow text. The bugged one I was refering to was DCS's built in one with rightcntrl-pausenull
  9. Thank you. I see now. I tried running at those resolutions, no way I was getting close to 90. Have you had trouble with getting motion reprojection kicking in by default? Both my Toolkit and tools settings have it set to automatic, but it doesn't kick in for me. I think the FPS counter is bugged. I'm clearly GPU bound, but it only shows me CPU bound as well (Even though I'm 3ms (333 FPS theoretical)
  10. Can you expound more on this? When I use the OXRTK 80% FSR shows 2524x2470 on my G2 Am I doing something wrong? I'm using a 3090, so I don't expect my performance to be anywhere near yours, but with lower settings I'm hoping to hit 90 FPS. My Pixel Density is 1.0
  11. Thanks. As I understand, I'm actually GPU bound. I'm still not quite understanding why the in-game readout tells me I'm CPU bound. What are some options that I can use to increase my GPU frame times? I tried the OXRTK FSR and NIS options, going all the way down to 80%, and I'm not getting increases in FPS. I don't know if this has something to do with it, but my GPU utilization hovers around 30-40 percent.
  12. 3090 + 12600k OC'd to 5.0ghz Reverb G2 I'm getting 60 FPS (Enigma's Cold War) and the control-pause menu is stating I'm CPU bound OpenXR Toolkit is showing that I'm roughly 4-5ms on CPU, and 17ms GPU, so I'm confused whether the DCS frame timing graph is bugged or not. I was hoping I could get 90fps without reprojection but that's probably a ways off until DLSS comes around.
  13. In all respects, this is a rather superficial problem, but the Mig-21 module is the only one I know of that doesn't let you bind things to the mouse. In fact, the whole column is greyed out in the controls options. I'd like to be able to bind a mouse button to open up the \ menu as in other planes, however there is no way to do that with this module.
  14. What settings have people played with to make the game more colorful/bright? I'm coming from the Index, and the G2 seems ultra dim and washed out to me. I've tried the brightness/contract, but can't get it right. I've also tried the 50 50 50 RGB settings on the next menu, and while that seems to work, it makes my menus and map look super washed out.
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