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Everything posted by Thunder_

  1. Just to say thank you to Bio and Reflected sim for the best experience ever !!! and heatblur on the mighty TOMCAT !!! I fell back in 1986 !!!
  2. Thanks for the reply, I will try to explore that option in the future ! ! nevertheless DCS is an amazing simulation and great to meet new colleagues to share the passion for aviation. Fly High ! and Blue Skies !
  3. Amazing MAP UgraMEDIA very well done !!! everyday I find other details I haven't seen before AMAZING !!!
  4. Is there a plan to have the refuelling on DCS { Viper to begin with } difficulty level , maybe a pre set of difficulty towards it would make the training more bearable, does anyone have a control curve or other suggestions being missed ?
  5. We do hope that materialize soon enough after this years waiting , nevertheless RAZBAM will deliver !! so granted awaited ,true majestic F!5E, but enough people working could be an issue, nevertheless it will be an amazing addition to the DCS family. is that mean 2021 - 2022 ?
  6. The energy module is not linear looks like? would an SME clarify that? some planes like the M2000 don't run out of energy and the Viper is very upbeat but feels under power, does anyone else have another opinion?
  7. Good Luck to Everyone on !@Fight for Honor 2020 I'm sending the live link if anyone have another easy link can u post as well pls
  8. Just Say to Mover, ED and Moltar and all the Staff Tnx for and awasome event for a worthty cause bringing the DCS community on it . Made an old eagle here happy again ! Tnx guys
  9. Hey Guys , Anyone else waiting for the Email for the Tournament form Givergy ? to register your aircraft and check your slot time ?
  10. Great Cause and Great event !!! Looking forward to it !! Thanks ED , Mover , Moltar and everyone else !!!
  11. Thunder_


    Anyone know when they intend to release the open beta module of the F15E ?
  12. Thunder_


    Really cool helmet !
  13. Amazing !!! F15E !!!!
  14. Thunder_


    We will wait for the F15E !!! and Looking foward to see it one day, as so many other ones!! Thanks ED !!
  15. I don't know if has been suggested before, and I've been in the simulator just 2 yrs, and I'm willing to ask Firstly let me say how pleased and entertaining you made flying simulation again for an “Ageing Eagle” like me. May I suggest that your refuelling on DCS have a “damper” feature to stabilise and make the process more easy if the gamer choose so . ( on and off if possible ) that would b a good substitute for the flying g’s missing on the game from my flying days. I’m now just an 1,5 g Airline guy. That would b a nice feature more useful on multiplayer and in multiplayer as most pilots RTB or just fuel exhaust . That would make tankers a tactical part of the game for many inexperience users. I hope that helps and I hope to join one group to work on DCS . And keep on !!
  16. Really cool and great watching your videos Wags ! I hope that I can work with DCS in future, meanwhile, I'm having all the fun that i can possibly have specially during the last few months at home furlough away from flying , you guys brought flying to me ! Thank you.
  17. thanks Flappie ! My start up is taking 32 seconds , give it or take on the Beta version on computer start up might take slightly longer than that , nothing too bad either i will look at the files tnx
  18. My Start up is quite lengthy , is that a possibility to be the same reason ?
  19. I Had the same issues and the re-binding worked , although tracking still required lots of patience and work.
  20. Firstly let me say how pleased and entertaining you made flying simulation again for an “Ageing Eagle” like me. May I suggest that your refuelling on DCS have a “damper” feature to stabilise and make the process more easy if the gamer choose so . ( on and off if possible ) that would b a good substitute for the flying g’s missing on the game from my flying days. I’m now just an 1,5 g Airline guy. That would b a nice feature more useful on multiplayer and in game as everyone RTB or just fuel exhaust . That would make tankers a tactical part of the game for many inexperience users. I hope that helps and I hope to join one group to work on DCS . And keep on !!
  21. Tottaly agree , the amount of effort and detail is nothing short then amazing !
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