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Everything posted by Hiob

  1. Really? You're pissed of about the equivalent of a happy meal?
  2. Not gonna justifiy the tone of the conversation, but I can see why people are so frustrated with the proposal. First, obviously an overwhelming majority thinks it is a very bad idea. Second, this idea isn't new by any stretch of the imagination and has been brought up countless times. (...and has been shot down each and every time, including by ED).
  3. Wenn die Bo-105 jetzt auch noch überraschend herauskäme, müsste ich wohl endgültig ein Sabatical nehmen....
  4. Really Guys? The Tomcat? Brute force badassery over elegance? Keep the Votes coming - that's not representative yet!
  5. Oh duck, here we go again....... Everytime the same drama.
  6. Same. In fact, it is my most anticipated* (fixed wing) module. Shame that it is so far away. But on the plus side, maybe we have a 'nam map 'til then! (*probably for the same reason)
  7. Hast Du vielleicht irgendwas bezüglich Bildwiederholrate, V-Sync oder G-sync geändert? Vielleicht neue Nvidia-Treiber installiert und die Einstellungen resettet?
  8. When a Vietnam map comes out, I can see it potentially pushing cold war from the throne. OH-6A Bronco Phantom Tiger Huey Chinook etc. I know, I know…. some are not the appropriate versions for the time - but I couldn’t care less. For my imagination it is close enough.
  9. More Power to you! As I said, Both can coexist easily. Not my cup of tea, but it doesn’t need to be. Only problem that may come up at a point from my pov is MP servers. At least competitive ones. Maybe we will see FC3/4 exclusive servers in the future.
  10. I would argue, that a clickable cockpit is easier to use than tons of keyboard shortcuts….. Unless you take a big simplification of systems into account. But since both can neatly coexist, there’s no harm in fleshing out FC3(4). Considering the results of the poll, it looks like most of the users like it for the Eagle/Fulcrum/Flanker that are otherwise lacking so far from „hardcore“ DCS, and not for the simplified cockpit. At least that is my interpretation of the numbers.
  11. Gibt es irgendwo ein Transcript des Q&A oder sind die Fragen und Antworten irgendwo veröffentlicht? Auf Discord (unübersichtlicher Schrott) finde ich auf Anhieb nichts…..
  12. Die werden schon Notiz davon nehmen, ob die gehäuften Releases negative Auswirkungen auf den Umsatz haben und dann ggf. Konsequenzen für die Zukunft ziehen. Jedenfalls wenn Sie als Unternehmer halbwegs kompetent sind - wovon ich ausgehe. Glaube aber nicht, dass es ernsthafte Auswirkungen hat. Der Löwenanteil des Umsatzes dürfte kurz nach Shop-Freigabe erfolgen. D.h. die Sales für drei von den o.g. fünf sind schon im Sack. Kola kommt nächste Woche, Kiowa frühestens in vier oder fünf…..
  13. Ist das mit dem Kiowa irgendwo offiziell bekanntgegeben worden? Das hab ich dann verpasst. Wäre aber zu schön um wahr zu sein! Edit: Hab‘s gefunden. Hammer!
  14. I‘m drooling….. Seriously guys, if it flies only half bad (though I‘m absolutely sure it will be near perfect, given your love for details)…. I will be sooooo happy!
  15. I would also say, that "beautiful" is a term that doesn't really apply to helicopters (at least not to the ones on your list). Therefore, by badassery, I would vote Hind (followed tightly by Apache)... The only chopper that comes to my mind as somehow beautiful is a Bell 222 (Airwolf)
  16. No, at least not in the 5000 series (nor 7000, I think but not sure about that).
  17. All great aircraft - not part of the poll though unfortunately. Also, to point it out once again: Beautiful <> Badass! Nevertheless. So far, the Tomcat is the leader, followed by a tie between the Viper and the Flanker. The Latter wasn't on my shortlist (that place was kind of taken by the OG Fulcrum), but I can see why people like it.....
  18. @twistking by "synthetic" I only meant "computer generated" though. It wasn't meant as judgement. There are so many variables in this chain. I just wanted to point out, that there are possibilities to adjust for any shortcomings, regardless of where in the color reproduction chain (which is quite a long chain....) there maybe a flaw.
  19. Unfortunately not in DCS right now, and the poll entries are limited to 20 anyway. Therefore - not in the contest, but otherwise I agree!
  20. Sorry. System diagnosis from a distance is hit and miss. I can only say, what I would do. Can you give us a little bit more detail on your system? Maybe post a screenshot of your GPU settings (Are you running Afterburner?) Since you have a 13th gen Intel, I would go to the bios and check the power settings (make sure, the Mobo didn't exceed the CPUs specs), reduce the loadline one bin and just for testing deactivate XMP on the RAM), in short, make it as stable as possible (don't rely on "load optimal defaults", check the power limits yourself!). Check if your GPU is sitting put in its slot and hasn't sacked or warped. Reduce any +MHz you may have applied to your GPU, but keep the voltage up, don't overclock the VRAM. Don't feel save regarding hardware only because DCS is currently the only application crashing. Every App loads the hardware differently. IF(!) the problem goes away after the hardware checks, you can re-apply your settings one by another and check each step. Cross reading your log file, it seems you have process lasso running. Try to deactivate all background applications, including process lasso, whilst trouble shooting (incl. your AV if you are comfortable with that). The basic idea is to delete as many variables as possible and run the hardware as stable as possible to rule out any issue. Once the problem is gone, you can re-apply everything until it crashes again - then you'll have found your culprit.
  21. Your post is spot on! you are completely right. But I also always thought that default DCS is a little over saturated in general. Maybe the „synthetic“ colors are just a tiny bit off. Anyhow, picture adjustment to the personal taste is the easiest problem to solve luckily.
  22. Thinking about the age of the Viper, the design has indeed proven timeless. Unfortunately it is very rarely seen clean, but most of the times carrying bags or armed to the teeth. Again badass, but the beautiful lines are lost. The airshow image with the colorful paintjob above looks very „916“ to me though!
  23. still, it has something to it, I admit. Especially with wings fully swept back. Pure power - a different kind of beautiful.
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