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Everything posted by Machalot

  1. This value might be a default. On one of the 4YA multiplayer servers all their road bases have the same incorrect heading, and I think it's this value.
  2. As a workaround you could place a Bx point (Bx1-5) at bullseye. Any time you need to refer to it, set that point as your destination and look at the distance and bearing. Convert to reciprocal heading, and divide the km distance roughly in half (0.54) to get nmi.
  3. I also think the words "and release" should be deleted. Releasing the trigger returns to the T0 state and would clear the fix, resuming automatic destination changes. Unless I have misunderstood the visual fix procedure.
  4. Found a typo on p. 336; 80000 should be 800000. null I also have some formatting suggestions for this section. The above bullet points could probably be better presented in a table. The repitition of 0001 (800001), 0002 (800002), etc is kind of confusing. The table immediately following, which presents all the detailed settings for the RB15, lacks a table number and a caption, it is just kind of floating there across two pages. Also consider every place a CK37 memory address appears, set it in a different font, similar to how you've done with the enunciator lamps. Maybe a fixed-width font like 800000.
  5. Just noticed something that could be improved. On page 283 in the section about radar ranging, the terms DIVEBOMB and LEVEL BOMB are used as English translation of the weapon mode names, but everywhere else in the document they are given in the original Swedish as DYK or BOMB DYK, and PLAN or BOMB PLAN, respectively. I think they should be in Swedish here too. null
  6. I'm grateful for all the work you've put into this, we owe you a debt. It's a greatly improved document, and kudos for soliciting all this community input. But I really don't understand the version numbering. Ok, you want to keep download statistics on the January 2023 release of RC2.1. But I don't see the logic behind "RC2.1" and "RC2.1 Updated August 2023" -- especially when the footer just says "Edition RC2.1" in all versions. Why isn't the August 2023 release numbered RC2.2 or something? Sorry for harping on this, but I have been bit by duplicated/non-unique version numbering at work too many times.
  7. I'm only taking about the version number 2.1. Typically one might increment a minor version number with each change, such as 2.1, 2.2, etc. Or 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, just to make it easier to identify what version you are looking at.
  8. @TOViper Have you thought about incrementing the version number when you make updates? There are many different files out there now called 2.1(beta).
  9. Seems like you'd have better luck getting this bug tracked if you post it on the Discord.
  10. I think figure of yours this is one of the best interpretations, in which the orange represents asbestos fill, and extends from the outer edge radially halfway toward the inner bore surface. The other possibility is that the asbestos covers the inner surface as shown but does not fill the volume. null
  11. I just noticed something you screenshotted in one of your other posts that I think is wrong in the manual. On page 56 there's a table with a column called "Specific fuel consumption" with units of kg/s. That is inconsistent. It's either Fuel Consumption (i.e. not "Specific") or the units need to be (kg/s)/N or (kg/s)/kN. My suggestion is that you should remove "Specific" from the title, because at a fuel consumption rate of 8.253 kg/s it consumes 495 kg/min, that provides about 9 minutes at full afterburner on internal fuel, which seems realistic. (If you do the math treating it as "specific" fuel consumption the numbers no longer make sense. I haven't written them out here but I will if anyone cares to see it.) Also I think you should put the word "Units" in the blank box of the left column. And put "N/A" or "-" in the blank box of the rightmost column.
  12. If you believe the note is necessary, I think you should reword it. It's more of a limitation than a "should". Something like "If no valid waypoint is selected, the B- scope may not display any returns."
  13. Actually it was already discussed there last month. https://discord.com/channels/298054423656005632/473947464349646848/1118240251266207764 null
  14. It does shine on the ground, even if the bulb is not shown to be lit. Try it at night and you'll see. In fact you can just spawn on the ground and cycle the switch between Taxi and Landning and see how the light pattern changes. But the angle of the landing light unfortunately is not extremely helpful for the landing approach. The angle may be a bug, and has been previously reported and logged.
  15. Consider posting that in the SRS Discord as a possible bug report.
  16. Impressive source mining. It's not a guarantee that a general document citing a classified source means the -47 has a slotted grain, but it is an interesting piece of evidence. It would be interesting too if somebody made an FOIA request for that Rocketdyne qual report. It would likely contain recorded thrust and chamber pressure data from hotfire tests at various temperatures.
  17. I've seen this bug several times before, mostly with sidewinders, and I submitted an official bug report for it.
  18. I started digging into the waypoint system. I was able to change waypoints by punching values into the UFC such as 1A (by typing 1 - SHIFT - 1). For some waypoints it has to be 1.A (1 - . - SHIFT - 1) but others lack the dot. Seems like a bug. Update: I've been informed by a reliable source this is not a bug, but a feature to distinguish between steerpoints (without a .) and target points (with a .).
  19. For a long range missile that flies a lofted profile, the rocket nozzle optimization doesn't care about the target altitude, only the missile altitude while the motor is burning. The Phoenix climbs during the motor burn and for some time after burnout, and with its long burn profile it probably has the highest burnout altitude of any tactical missile.
  20. Wouldn't you expect the nozzle to be optimized for high altitudes? Probably higher than any other tactical missile. It should be greatly over-expanded at sea level.
  21. That's new behavior if it's showing 0s. I had previously reproduced this bug when I put it in the tracker along with a track file from (I think) Dec 2022 OB build. I'll send you a DM with the card link.
  22. I noticed this too, the initial alignment of the directional gyro is now perfect, instead of having a small error.
  23. There was no discussion on my question, actually. The day I posted it happened to have a whole bunch of activity about multithreading so it got lost. I bumped it.
  24. Very good points here that I did not consider. And I was not aware of other motors that have the cantilevered cylinder grain, which still seems crazy even though it's apparently flight proven.
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