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  1. I'm increasingly interested in the R-60 (not M) and R-13 tail chasers... could be quite interesting. I do hope some earlier/export weapons are included!
  2. Hello everyone, So, my controllers have a bit of an odd setup: One of the MCG hats is bound to RZ The MCG twist axis is bound to Z The STECS throttle axis is bound to one of the rotors, and the throttles themselves are bound to X and Y. Throttle axis are inverted Is this normal? It seems like an odd default setup. Also, does anyone have a template or tutorial for re-assigning the axis in the joystick software? Some older games don't allow rebinding the axis within the games themselves, so not having the axis defaults be more normal renders the stick unusable.
  3. It'd be interesting to see how the Mil Mi-2 (URP?) would compare... definitely the lowest power-to-weight ratio of the small helicopters, but with a relatively larger rotor disc.
  4. Well, the 'I suspect' should make anyone reading what I wrote suspicious of it. I know that the developers stated at one point that the SMEs had recommended the Mi-24P. It might have been on the Russian part of the forum - that statement is definitely somewhere on these forums if you look for it. The fact about the Kord is supposition though. They did say that it was chosen because it was more effective, but I don't know if the SMEs recommended it.
  5. I suspect it was the SMEs: They talked to actual Mi-24 crews who said that the P variant with the Kord was much preferrable from the operator's perspective. It definitely leaves open the option for them to sell an earlier period Mi-24 later.
  6. Hmm... well the Ka-52 can carry additional weapons and the fire control system allows asymmetric loadouts.
  7. Well, FC4 isn't going to happen - but one can think of it as taking over an AI aircraft for use in 'aggressor' training? Alternatively, one can just not use them or can exclude them from server lists!
  8. In the trailer they show it carrying them. In the released version we are limited to V20 pods.
  9. Well we did call them 'widowmakers' for a reason. I didn't know we used Giant Tiger liveries though!
  10. Thank you! I really appreciate this input.
  11. Hello, I'm thinking of trying a gamepad/game controller. However, years of using sim hardware mean that I've always dismissed these entirely (for all purposes). I'm used to the precision of a full sized joystick! What are the most precise gampads? What am I most likely to actually be willing to give a chance (if I were to try it)?
  12. Yes, I know, but, well, two things: 1) A gun which is prone to failures is dramatic (and fun in a sim, if not in real life) 2) When flying as the gunner and looking through the site... I've often had a truck lined up in the scope... and being able to squeeze a trigger... well, I think it would be very useful for taking out two or three soft-skinned vehicles in a single pass. Even if the gun jammed shortly after, it provides a close range flexible firepower that could be very useful. The number of times I've wished I had a Yak-b with just 100 or 200 rounds of ammunition is considerable... so I think it has value.
  13. It'd be great if they offered an Mi-24V module with the release of the Afghanistan map (or at least offered an earlier Mi-24P). I think there is enough to motivate a paid upgrade given the pair of PKT gunners, the MDB-4 FAB-100 combination, UPK-23-250 (export variants), and more S-5 rocket warhead variations... it could be quite attractive. But I've probably said that before
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