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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, CFS, CFS II, iF-22, MFS 95, MFS 98, MFS 2008
  • Location
    Utah, United States of America
  • Interests
    guns and aircrafts
  • Occupation
    Device Molding Technician

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  1. Ah I did do a quick test of every object in the static objects mod. The howitzer will explode you on pickup (F6 sling cargo menu) so don't do that. Otherwise the wooden plank bundle also does something like makes the sling line go crazy and doesn't actually attach. All other objects work ok, and that antennae unit does sling load just fine without jumpiness or jittering.
  2. Ah, what type of "jumping around" do you see in a mission like that? Is it with the mod itself, or more with the playable unit in a user-created mission file?
  3. so the trigger zones are very narrow, you must be exactly on the flight plan and the trigger is tripped right before you reach WPT 1, then you must turn right to bearing 252 exactly and fly to it. the way you make sure your wingman doesn't land on 101st Mi8 is you start up and get all ready for takeoff, and then do the F10 menu asking for startup, this is to delay your wingman from starting up, and if you are in the air circling above by the time he starts up he will follow you and will not land on the Mi8 and it won't be wrecked. Now for the tricky part: Even if you destroy the 4 AAA technicals in the town, the Mi8 AI unit does not drop the bombs like it's supposed to, so you can 1) if you have the Mi8 module you can jump in it and go through the process of hovering above a weapons warehouse and dropping a bomb on it and getting out quick (before the explosion gets you) (there is a little delay) and you have to bomb 3 warehouses, just like in the Mi8 Border Campaign) OR Option 2) fly back to a FARP (there is one in Tskinvali) and load bombs on your Mi-24 and do it that way. I haven't yet figured out if after the AAA are down if you can destroy with large rockets the weapons stockpile ware houses( They are squared roof red brick buildings spread out in 3 places in town) (If you DM me I will get you the coordinates and possibly an overhead map of the warehouses that must be destroyed for mission completion. After that the friendly ground AI units must move in according to programming, who knows yet if they are buggy or not? Good luck, if you try again!
  4. in Mission 12 I can't get the Mi8 to drop the bombs. How to advance?
  5. I'm trying to see if there's any interest in a sling load cargo mission, where you would lift the Antennae unit (from the static objects mod) from off a flat railcar at the station and take it to a hilltop or somewhere.
  6. Hello, I just started mIssion 5, and have asked permission to startup, started up, asked permission to take off, I took off. Now I've passed waypoint one, and I'm at waypoint 2 but there's no radio call to switch Channel 16 for the range officer. Should I orbit around a bit? Nevermind, the trigger zone at Waypoint 1 is just very small I believe
  7. I want an Iowa, Illinois border map so I can reenact this photo I shot today of a Chinook flying IFR in IMC at Quad Cities Airport.
  8. just wondering, are there any other tricks to getting trains to show up when placed in ME? Nevermind for now, because I found static train cars to place for a cargo lift mission I'm working on. Thanks for reading!
  9. Well, that was an amazing campaign. I hope part 2 will start with a takeoff from H4 for a hop to the new base for the 79th!
  10. @ChillNG I have a question before I start mission 6. Page 7 in the briefing document starts with saying that Popeye is giving details, but then it reads like Forrest is writing a note saying he (PLAYER) will target the Tin Shield. Do I have that right?
  11. I am very glad to see that the next update will have a fix. I really sent some crazy mavs out trying to use pre mode.
  12. I was saying I don't even have to press 1 in between I just press com 1 (or 2)-> ENTR and the main screen switches to show 1 for preset 1. Then I can dobber down to it, and press the DED increment an decrement buttons. What I'm realizing is that I can press com1 -> 11 -> ENTR, to talk to Gold 1 and then com1 -> 2 -> ENTR and talk to Sentinel, and then Com1 -> ENTR to switch back to Gold1. It's so much easier than what I was doing before
  13. oh, I see now. But what do you call if if you press Com2 and then ENTR? And then dobber left back to the Main DED page? What do you see?
  14. So mission 3 log: Score 98, I think because I called arrival just below 6500 msl or it's because I called approach at FL021 and descending, not bad, I'm happy with my score overall. I used a JDAM on an SA8, and A Mav on the SA6 radar, At that point all I could do was spend my other 2 weapons on 2 of the TEL vehicles. Altogether it was way awesome how Sword 1-1 and I, 2-1, took running in on the SA6 to keep it busy, until one was lined up for the kill. Took on 500 lbs of fuel with Shell 1-1 on the RTB, just in time to continue on egress as they turned back to their orbit. There's something satisfying about hearing the Bingo call twice during one hop. So we are fighting the Syrian Islamic Army, and supporting the YDF, and the SIA and the Syrian Democratic forces are fighting the Syrian Military / Government (who the Russians are Supporting) do I have that right? In any case, I wasn't sure when those Flankers pulled up close by if they were pissed that we'd been bombing the SIA or if they couldn't care less. Sigh of relief though after they flowed west soon after contact.
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