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About Pkdos

  • Birthday 07/20/1964

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS Open Beta
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  • Interests
    war and flight simulators.

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  1. I'll give an example. -Sales terminal in a store (POS), after updating the graphics card driver the monitor is not visible. -The software company has an update to adapt its software to the new driver, but it is updating the way the balance is calculated at the end of the day and that is taking a little more time. -They tell the client not to worry, that when they finish updating the balance calculation they will also update the screen. Result=The customer CANNOT use their POS until it is updated, when they could be using it in the meantime as before the driver update.
  2. How many DCS and META users do not use the forum and have the same problem? I personally know three who are waiting for a solution based on instructions I have given them (after not knowing what the problem was and wasting hours reinstalling programs and doing tests). If, as it says in this forum, about 60 have demonstrated? Well, at 3 each, just like me, there are already 240 affected. Add those who do not enter the forum or discords and are still thinking about the problem and those who use the Quest for more gaming and have not worried much.
  3. It is shameful that having the solution to a problem that affects a large group of clients, they do not implement it immediately and the rest of the problems that cause problems look for a solution. Of course zero in customer service, practically non-existent after-sales service. The solutions that have been published are patches that most of the time break other programs or lose a lot of quality.
  4. ¿Ninja Missile? Hellfire R9X?
  5. I have the same problem, it is not possible to play in VR with META headsets
  6. If you put George to pilot from takeoff it is a real problem, at any speed he "stitches" the course left and right. And to reduce the speed until reaching a stationary position, never maintain the course, sometimes even not reducing the speed. Before the patch it worked acceptably, now it has become almost impossible to do a complete mission from the co-pilot's position.
  7. Hello, I have also had that error, it is not a continuous error but it has happened to me every 3 or 4 starts. The same messages come out. If I can I will add a track for your diagnosis.
  8. Mismo error en Quest2 y no creo que tenga nada que ver con desactivar el multihilo en la bios, Overspeed hablaba de bloqueos temporales que ser que es una saturación de la VRAM al mandar todos los hilos información a la gráfica. El error que dice Rocho es bloqueo total y CTD en un rato.
  9. I just tried right now and when I turned on all white, the camera was pointing to the sky. After a minute and lowering the camera perfect vision.
  10. I advise you to use this other type of hub, which is independently powered.
  11. Pkdos

    Que mapa comprar?

    No uso aviones de la WWII, pero si es lo que mas usas yo priorizaría el mapa del Canal antes que Siria, pero claro, todo son gustos.
  12. Me ocurrió a mi ayer, se bajaba solo el gancho y la vista se iba a la derecha y vibrando continuamente. Hice una reparación de archivos del DCS y se corrigió.
  13. This is posible? https://es.aliexpress.com/item/4001165663413.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.702871e3xNK3zB&algo_pvid=6da35fb6-fa23-4ddd-9d9c-a08a3e7c7fc0&algo_expid=6da35fb6-fa23-4ddd-9d9c-a08a3e7c7fc0-58&btsid=0b0a01f816026622695096161e18ce&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
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