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Forum Maintenance between 04:00 - 06:00 UTC


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About ngreenaway

  • Birthday 02/03/1976

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, IL-2
  • Location
    Tacoma, WA
  • Occupation
    Industrial Equipment Repair Technician

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  1. i dont know why its clear that theres an upgrade cost, unless ive missed something, however it wouldnt bother me much one way or the other. i already own the FF versions of those aircraft, im not missing out by not having the fc versions
  2. A simplification would be a better phrase. It's not bad to the target audience of FC. It would be nice if there were full clicky versions of the current FC aircraft available separately, the way the newer additions are
  3. That 10% , or $7, doesn't amount to much these days, but I see no reason to leave that on the table for a product that I know I'll buy., as I have with every other module, map , and most SP campaigns Anyone who knows me knows there's absolutely no hype, or even FOMO involved in the purchase. Just doing what I enjoy, and it doesn't bother me to have missing features at launch, or even for an extended period after - if I'm not enjoying it, there's always something else to fly, and I can always come back later
  4. Yea, preorder made sense with hardware and physical media, where there was a finite supply, and people couldn't bear to wait longer than day 1 to get the goods. It's dumb with software, but this can be an expensive hobby, and I prefer to save wherever I can
  5. https://www.amazon.com/Pachyderm-Rat-Flying-Boys-Vietnam/dp/1539949788 The Pachyderm and the Rat was written by a Chinook pilot in Vietnam
  6. purchased, looking forward to flying this one. i dont care about the razbam situation. thats between ED and Raz, and has no bearing on my purchase choices
  7. Nice to see buildings from Petra modelled. Will Masada be coming to this map?
  8. love how all the disgruntled yak52 owners come crawling out of the woodwork its pretty much the least complex module produced by ED, watch itll take longer than the hornet to complete
  9. The lack of even a rudimentary damage model arguably is . At minimum, it's a serious omission
  10. Close is good enough. Not that any of us can tell, authoritatively, one way or the other
  11. The upcoming OH-58D is strangely absent from both the trailer & this list, despite extensive use there. Why no love from ED?
  12. Why are you using MS access? That's why the data structure is so hard to read. You may as well be opening it with .txt You'll save yourself a lot of heartache by using MS visual studio or any other programming environment for lua, then it's super easy to work with
  13. i think its a universal mount. i stuck it on the front of my reverb g2 without issue. the mounting bit is slightly flexible to allow it to match whatever radius the front of your headset is to some extent
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