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Tom Kazansky

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  1. it is not about what side is more right, alone. It is about how this battle is fought. If this does not end soon, WE will be victims.
  2. It does not avoid the pain, but maybe it helps mitigating it. There's another thread where it is stated that your settings could still be there and restorable: Others posted some methods to save control settings in the same thread.
  3. Thanks! Very much appreciated, and longed-for.
  4. @Air Joker besten Dank für die ausfühliche Antwort. Das deckt wohl alles ab was ich wissen wollte und macht die Crystal für mich auf jeden Fall zum interessantesten Nachfolger für die Zeit nach der G2 (bis jetzt).
  5. Ich möchte den Thread hier nicht in ne Einstellungsberatung lenken, würde aber doch sehr gerne kurz wissen wie viele Pixel du die G2 und die Crystal rendern hast lassen. Meine G2 war am Anfang auf 100% und damit auf ca. 3000x3000 pro Auge eingestellt und ich konnt einfach nicht mehr mit weniger leben. Nach meiner naiven Meinung könnte das ja dann auch für die Crystal reichen, oder fährt man die auch gern mit 40% mehr pro Achse damit das Ergebnis richtig gut aussieht?
  6. Agreed. By holding back purchases we risk the entire amount of investment we put into DCS. I don't know what is right or wrong, but I for one don't want to wait and see whether some day some other company will deliver what ED did and does. In good times, and bad times...
  7. Me neither, and it is still to good to be true. Like many German users here there would be a (small) chance that our home towns are part of this map. I would be too hyped to post my feelings if this came true.
  8. I just checked the BALT HOLD behaviour in the Hornet again, and what I find interesting is: 1) If your stick is not totaly centered in pitch (Y-axis) when you press BALT on the UFC, a warnig tone sounds, the BALT does not engage BUT(!) without doing anything else but moving the stick slightly into the center of the pitch (Y) axis, the BALT mode still engages. Again: This happens without another press of the BALT button on the UFC. 2) And this is why no. 1) is helpful: the BALT mode does not disengage by releasing the slightly uncentered stick, because (and that was news for me): The limits in wich the stick must be centered to engage BALT are significantly smaller than those you have to exceed to disengage the BALT mode by deflecting the stick. So as a workaround I recommend to move the stick in the pitch axis as soon as you hear the warning tone (that is heard after a non engaging BALT mode after BALT-button-press) until the BALT mode engages. Btw. If your stick is uncentered in the x-axis, there is no problem at all with the BALT mode. You can even deflect the stick quite a bit to the side, as long as your pitch is centered to engage BALT. EDIT: and now something completely odd: I slightly deflected the stick from the center in pitch axis, pressed BALT, the warning tone sounded and BALT did not engage (as expected), then I waited more than 10 sec before moving the stick to the center and BALT still engages (without pressing BALT on the UFC again). I have no proof from real life, but this seems odd, doesn't it?
  9. +1 Deadzones kill precision in formation flying and air to air refuling. It makes no sense to spend hundreds of bucks for a good stick/base and add deadzones. No offence to the work around here, but the limits in the DCS Hornet seem too narrow to be realistic.
  10. It concerns me that somebody hasn't been learning too much over the last few weeks.
  11. Will we be able to drive e.g. a Humvee right into a CH47? And of course out of it again by ourselves with Combined Arms?
  12. Ich finde es auch komisch, aber tröste mich mit der Aussage, dass die EA-Feature-Liste vor dem EA-release veröffentlicht wird. Es wird mir also die Möglichkeit gegeben vor dem Kauf zu sehen was kommt, wenn ich das wichtig finde. Übrig bleibt nur die Frage ob das dann nur beschreibt was im EA kommt, das heißt, ob das was später kommt auch aufgelistet wird. Das wär schon wichtig. Gerade wenn/weil ich nicht ein total überzeugter CH47 Fan bin, aber mich dafür interessiere.
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