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Tom Kazansky

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  1. Have you set the Windows power plan to high/ultimate?
  2. you are welcome! they added those wheel chocks for the A-10C II with DCS - 29.11.2023
  3. Hab das wegen der Frage auch ausprobiert - in VR. Also bei mir merkt er sich die F10 Map-Vergrößerung und auch die Stelle wenn ich nur F10 drücke, aber es gibt ein Ctrl+F10 wo er sich nix merkt sondern mit nem sehr großen, unbrauchbaren Zoomfaktor immer auf der eigenen Position startet (die man hat wenn man Ctrl+F10 drückt). Habt ihr vielleicht dieses Binding irgendwie mit F10 belegt? Dann gäbe es noch ein anderes Binding was die Map anzeigt bei euch in den Settings. Klingt unwahrscheinlich, aber vielleicht hilft es weiter.
  4. Ok, then you are not affected by this issue. Good thing is, if ED made those limits a little larger, you would not notice at all.
  5. Thanks. Do you have the hand on the stick when you press the UFC button to engage BALT or do you use the mouse with your right hand while the stick centers itself and stays there? (Assuming you are right handed)
  6. that's a valid point! my Virpil WarBRD-D base in the default configuration has a small software deadzone. The Virpil rudders as well. You can see in the VPC Configuration tool, that the raw values still change but the output value stays at 50% while slowly moving over that deadzone. so the DCS Hornet AP issue would also be there for us Virpil users if we turned that off, I assume. It seems to be just a matter of programmed limits in DCS, so why not make those just a little bit larger to suit more users' hardware without forcing them to make a deadzone that kills an important part of the experience? I also assume, that the real Hornet does not have a deadzone, but its AP BALT mode does engage when the other limits are met (and most probably without a warnig tone). Can we all agree in this point?
  7. Same here, but please tell me, with the hand on stick and you press BALT (just once), do you never hear the autopilot warning tone before it finally engages (like I described above, due to a small deflection and a return to center afterwards)? And this "afterwards" can mean seconds, if you are deflecting the stick just 0.5%. This should be looked at with priority, imho.
  8. Checked for wheel chocks in F2 external view? edit: Parking brake? Wheel brake axis in control setting inverted or double binding issue with another controller?
  9. Maybe ED works on new Cow'ntermeasures?
  10. You can test that easily by setting a large deadzone temporarily to both axis of your stick (and maybe rudders too), and see if that changes anything.
  11. it is not about what side is more right, alone. It is about how this battle is fought. If this does not end soon, WE will be victims.
  12. It does not avoid the pain, but maybe it helps mitigating it. There's another thread where it is stated that your settings could still be there and restorable: Others posted some methods to save control settings in the same thread.
  13. Thanks! Very much appreciated, and longed-for.
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