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  1. this happened to me now i was going crazy lol then i stopped kaspersky and run repair everything is good now
  2. hey again Pikey one question if i install SLmod would your script sgs still work ?or does SLmod does the job ? if not is there awat to make it work ?
  3. hello everyone could i get help from you guys i have mission i want make it capture base RED and BLUE teams team B kill all ground targets airport become theirs ground respawn for B team , after that R team come back again to kill all B ground targets and take it back R team ground respawn endlessly i have moose in my mission but i don't know what script and how ...
  4. just want to know if there is alternative ok got that ty
  5. [quote=newMissionStr = IntegratedserializeWithCycles("SaveUnits",SaveUnits) --save the Table as a serialised type with key SaveUnits writemission(newMissionStr, "SaveUnits.lua")--write the file from the above to SaveUnits.lua SaveUnits={}--clear the table for a new write. --env.info("Data saved.") end, {}, 1, SaveScheduleUnits) tried to put trigger do script but didn't work i have moose in my mission but i don't know how :(
  6. thanks Pikey although it would be better if there is automatic way to delete it or reset for example when all airports cuptured trigger do script newMissionStr = IntegratedserializeWithCycles("SaveUnits",SaveUnits) --save the Table as a serialised type with key SaveUnits writemission(newMissionStr, "SaveUnits.lua")--write the file from the above to SaveUnits.lua SaveUnits={}--clear the table for a new write. --env.info("Data saved.") end, {}, 1, SaveScheduleUnits)
  7. i use it in my server to capture airports red units die and blue units come over when all airports are captured how could i reset this to start again (sorry my weak English)
  8. will try maybe my side problem thanks updated: i deleted fxo metashaders folder when i release GBU 38 no problem but when try 31 game crashed !
  9. hello wasn't this bug solved ? now it back ! game crashed after releasing GBU 31
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