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  1. Where are these thingies that kept me (not-)browsing the forum for hours ? Regards
  2. Did it. Had it anyways so just had to modify it. Very simple but effective enough : @echo off ren "C:\Users\...PATH...\dcs.log.old" "DCS LOG - %date:-=-% %time::=-%.log" d:\cmd.exe /C start /affinity 4 dcs.exe Greetings blueduck
  3. Machbar ist es definitiv. Allerdings würde ich mir einen überschaubareren Rahmen stecken und nicht direkt Vollgas mit einem Kampfjet oder Scalenachbau beginnen. Lieber etwas unkompliziertes an dem sich grundlegende Avionik anschaulich erklären lässt. Sprich Basics ala Motorsturz, Schwerpunkt, Achsen inkl. zugehörige Ruder, Flächenprofil etc. Hier kommen vor allem Nurflügler bzw Hochdecker ( zB Cessna) in Frage, auch was die Fliegbarkeit angeht. Alles in allem bieten sich für die grobe Richtungswahl allerdings primär RC Foren an. Dort sollte reichlich Wissen und Erfahrung zur Materie vorliegen ;) MfG Ente
  4. Mal ne ganz andere Frage : Läuft der Zauber dann auf Linux oder immer noch auf Windows? Im Newsletter steht ja irgendwas von einem Web-GUI .... mfg ente
  5. Is there any way to force DCS to not overwrite logfiles ? And even better... name them with some sort of timestamp ? Regards blueduck
  6. I think that's just a position / system of coordinates that's origin lies somewhere in the center of the map. has nothing to do with lat/long or mgrs. Cheers
  7. I increased that to 300 sec's ... Sometimes DCS needs very long on startup and ROC try's to start another instance.
  8. That's correct but as far as i know there is no ohter way to do it. Maybe if you write your own little json script so that dcs can talk with the os and vice versa. Never done this myself. Either we run one mission 24/7 or switch every 6 to 8 hours. In both scenarios timed triggers are the easiest way to achieve this. Cheers
  9. This can be achieved through Triggers in the Mission.Just set it up to send a message to all after a set time, just before the restart. Maybe plan ahaed and repeat in 5min intervals... Greetings
  10. Hi. I kill dcs.exe through planned Tasks every day and have it restarted by one of the little programs mentioned by ciribob. Works flawlessly for more than two years now. Dont forget to setup the delay properly, because dcs won't respond during the start process, ie is considered crashed. Exactly this lil' tool Cheers Ente
  11. Thanks Delta99 , now it's working properly. Maybe i dont understand the meaning of the word 'prefix' ;) Greetings
  12. 2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO SCRIPTING: 10153( 10468)/E: DATABASE00003.AddGroup({[1]=Add GROUP:,[2]=IRA_CAP MiG-29A #2,}) 2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO SCRIPTING: 10473( 9832)/E: DATABASE00003._RegisterGroupsAndUnits({[1]=Register Unit:,[2]=Pilot #018,}) 2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO SCRIPTING: 10467( 9832)/E: DATABASE00003._RegisterGroupsAndUnits({[1]=Register Group:,[2]=IRA_CAP MiG-29A #1,}) 2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO SCRIPTING: 10153( 10468)/E: DATABASE00003.AddGroup({[1]=Add GROUP:,[2]=IRA_CAP MiG-29A #1,}) A few lines later : 2018-06-17 15:42:30.126 ERROR DCS: Mission script error: : [string "C:\Users\BLAUEE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\/~mis0000361E"]:20532: SPAWN:New: There is no group declared in the mission editor with SpawnTemplatePrefix = 'IRA_CAP' What now ?!
  13. Bei mir verhält es sich so, dass es immer wieder nach unterschiedlicher Zeit abstürzt, wenn die Kamera über einen USB-Verteiler angeschlossen ist. Direkt am Mainboard (mit Verlängerung) keine Probleme.
  14. Nope. That's the name displayed in the spectators list. So the Host itself is represented as a Client in DCS, just name it something like 'Server Admin' or so... Greetins
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