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About granola1861

  • Birthday 11/11/1975

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  • Flight Simulators
    Aces High 2
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  • Interests
    Outdoors and flight

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  1. Am I right in thinking that the AWACS should have a donor dot? I guess that's my big question. I will replace the AWACS and re-save. This is one of those missions that I've added and subtracted client aircraft over time and made other small changes along the way. I'd say it's probably a few year old by now. I may even need to start another mission similar from scratch, but it's such a good mission.... Thanks for the reply Raven. -Climber
  2. That was my understanding but the videos only glossed over it and there hasn't been a manual update for some time that shows the DL implementation.
  3. Ok folks quick question. I may have a corrupted mission but have a DL and AWACS question. I remember Wags stating that AWACS are automatically set as donors and should show on the HSD with a donors dot but my mission it isn't, and therefore doesn't need placed in the donors column in the ME. Is this correct or should I set the AWACS as a donor in the ME? I'm getting contacts from Overlord but no dot. Is this correct? Thanks in advance. -Climber
  4. Did this get addressed with the latest ( Open Beta) hotfix? Haven't been able to test.
  5. I built it as a non-ai cpg. Yes the ai has been deactivated. You can easily change it yourself
  6. I was finally able to run the changes and after some more tweaks I'm satisfied. The first fix I uploaded still had some issues. Now everything should run as intended. Version 2.0 is in the user files. I'm done messing with this thing. Have fun all! -Climber
  7. So somewhere I have lost the file. I occasionally do a mission purge and must have inadvertently picked it. I have gone back and "re-created" the wheel with this one and here is the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_nexR-d-jKQPhf8LHHg572hioxjzy_nJ/view?usp=sharing I've added the mission to the user files as well. The google link will likely go away sometime soon. I've made the changes that I think I had the last time but have not had a chance to test it yet. If someone sees anything that still doesn't work, let me know and I can address it. I've added some notes in the briefing that I am not the original creator. Enjoy and have fun with this one. BTW I've added some extra random items on the ingress route to keep an eye out for. -Climber
  8. Since the original designer has gone the way of the dodo I will reconsider and link the fixed version I created. The only issue is that I'm out of town and it won't be until next week. Hang on just a bit and I'll get a link up soon. -Climber
  9. I too would appreciate some form of explanation about fusing for WW2 bombs. If it already exists please let me know where I can locate it. Thanks much -Climber
  10. Really expected some movement on this issue this week. I've stuck the Apache in the hangar until it gets some resolution...
  11. -Still having same issue following update on 7-21-22 . Once LMC is used, the CPG dashed cross and TADS are desynced. The CPG can slave to the pilot's LOS but once deslaved it will not match the TADs movement. Track link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10qa9lMDUZzMM9RHPWD56OJv6loiXLd_O/view?usp=sharing -Climber
  12. I try to treat missions like publications with authors. Since I'm not the original creator of the mission and it still has the same original base design, I don't feel comfortable posting unless the original mission designer gave permission. At this time I'm not reaching out for that permission. -Climber
  13. After waiting with no fixes I decided to figure out what was going on with this mission. A couple of easy fixes: make the convoy delayed inactive but still visible before activation. Add a trigger for the convoy to activate when colt reaches the first trigger zone at the convoy. Next the mortar fire text action needs switched with the guppy outpost transmission. This is why you are told to look for a mortar team before they spawn, meanwhile convoys are rolling down Cadillac. Not a bad idea to switch out some of the zsu trucks with technicals since there is a picture of technicals in the brief but none in mission. This mission seems to have a solid foundation but lacked quality control. Lots of little errors that when fixed will create a solid mission. There is a randomization trigger at mission start that I’ve used to activate some RPG sniper teams and berserker technicals along the convoy route to keep it interesting. That tight valley has me in pucker mode expecting something around every corner. Now the pucker is real. Hopefully this mission will get the love it needs and live up to one that is worthy to accompany the Apache module. Meanwhile use these tips and have fun! -Climber Edit: To fix the extended taxi/National Lampoon type road trip your wingman takes, do this. Set Colt flight to "takeoff from ground cold" and orient them to line up appropriately. You can now lift off and your wingman will takeoff and immediately begin working into formation. ATC will still respond correctly as well.
  14. I've got this issue as well. The issue start at around 18 minutes in the mission. Prior to that (from the pilot seat) the video screen (TADS) follows the tads movement and the tads cross is accurate. Around 18 minutes in (confirmed via TACVIEW) the desync happens with the video no longer tracking and the cross is locked to the video location. I can see when the CPG changes from FLIR to TV and zoom modes. We did find that when the CPG slaves to a location (SP or TP) the video and cross correct themselves only to stop tracking once deslaved. I did notice the cross moving the opposite direction from the CPG (he said he was going left and I watched it move right). FYI: both players performed a DCS repair prior to the second mission and I deleted the FXO and metashaders2 folder from saved games. I've got track files from 2 instances on the same mission but no track files from the CPG position. Sorry... Hope this can get remedied quick for a Friday hotfix since it is a game killer due to the hindrance to crew coordination. Server files too large to upload here. Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-fh_SmglIRtYG0K3DTrHsnLIZUGVs6Md?usp=sharing -Climber
  15. Not sure if this is the optimum page or not but since I'm using it for the Harrier it seems the most logical location. I'm looking for a listing of all airfields (all modern - not WW2) with runway info (length in ft, alt in ft, and headings to use for setting up STO information in the Harrier. Even if it's not in a kneeboard format will be fine since I can do that myself. I could do this but curious if anyone already has this data available (don't want to recreate the wheel if I don't have to). I'll probably also add in a m/s to knot conversion for wind since ATC works in metric (dang you Jimmy Carter...). If anyone has this I'd greatly appreciate it. This will help keep me from going back and forth to F10 and getting the info there. I only wish that the mission editor supplied this info so I could just put it in the mission brief but oh well. Thanks again, Climber
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