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No STD HDG option on HSI during ground align


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Not been flying the hornet much recently but just struck it up again and noticed there was no STD HDG option to box on the HSI whilst doing a cold start ground align. I didn't think this option had been removed, so is this a bug or have I done something wrong?




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It's not always available. For example if from a spawn at ramp the switch is rotated from OFF to GND the option will be there. If the switch is rotated back to OFF and back to GND it won't be.


The requirement for a stored heading is that a complete normal align is accomplished and then the switch is moved directly to OFF without flight. For initial spawn this is already done for you but if you fly and land then it's not available until the process is done again.


The system worked the same whether I had the HSI on AMPCD or right DDI.

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It's not always available. For example if from a spawn at ramp the switch is rotated from OFF to GND the option will be there. If the switch is rotated back to OFF and back to GND it won't be.


The requirement for a stored heading is that a complete normal align is accomplished and then the switch is moved directly to OFF without flight. For initial spawn this is already done for you but if you fly and land then it's not available until the process is done again.


Solved, thank you. I had accidentally moved it too far to NAV by misclicking and turned it to off, this was the problem.



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