events = { [1] = { type = "mission start", t = 44400, }, -- end of [1] [2] = { type = "took control", t = 44400, }, -- end of [2] [3] = { type = "under control", initiatorPilotName = "New callsign", target = "Pilot #001", t = 44400, targetMissionID = "5", }, -- end of [3] [4] = { type = "takeoff", place = "Senaki-Kolkhi", t = 44438, placeDisplayName = "Senaki-Kolkhi", initiatorMissionID = "15", }, -- end of [4] [5] = { place = "Unit #1", t = 44438.2, type = "takeoff", initiatorMissionID = "11", }, -- end of [5] [6] = { type = "takeoff", place = "Senaki-Kolkhi", t = 44439.1, placeDisplayName = "Senaki-Kolkhi", initiatorMissionID = "17", }, -- end of [6] [7] = { type = "takeoff", initiatorPilotName = "New callsign", place = "Unit #002", t = 44439.9, initiatorMissionID = "5", }, -- end of [7] [8] = { place = "Unit #001", t = 44445.92, type = "takeoff", initiatorMissionID = "9", }, -- end of [8] [9] = { type = "takeoff", place = "Senaki-Kolkhi", t = 44462.22, placeDisplayName = "Senaki-Kolkhi", initiatorMissionID = "29", }, -- end of [9] [10] = { type = "takeoff", place = "Senaki-Kolkhi", t = 44464.4, placeDisplayName = "Senaki-Kolkhi", initiatorMissionID = "30", }, -- end of [10] [11] = { place = "Unit #002", t = 44469.9, type = "takeoff", initiatorMissionID = "22", }, -- end of [11] [12] = { place = "Unit #002", t = 44490.8, type = "takeoff", initiatorMissionID = "23", }, -- end of [12] [13] = { place = "Unit #002", t = 44511.7, type = "takeoff", initiatorMissionID = "24", }, -- end of [13] [14] = { type = "mission end", t = 44542.229, }, -- end of [14] } -- end of events callsign = "New callsign" triggers_state = {} result = 0 world_state = { [1] = { y = 485934.90625, x = -277000.625, heading = -4.7181315422058, unitId = 2, speed = 5.5588493347168, coalition = "blue", country = 2, type = "PERRY", }, -- end of [1] [2] = { y = 487448.8125, x = -277985.375, heading = -4.7181234359741, unitId = 3, speed = 5.5588364601135, coalition = "blue", country = 2, type = "LHA_Tarawa", }, -- end of [2] [3] = { y = 488431.71875, x = -279611.40625, heading = -4.7181353569031, unitId = 4, speed = 5.5583791732788, coalition = "blue", country = 2, type = "PERRY", }, -- end of [3] [4] = { alt = 785.23889160156, type = "Su-24M", country = 0, coalition = "red", x = -272229.3125, speed = 176.27081298828, heading = -0.56935578584671, y = 647200.125, unitId = 15, }, -- end of [4] [5] = { alt = 774.67083740234, type = "Su-24M", country = 0, coalition = "red", x = -272402.0625, speed = 182.8923034668, heading = -0.56918740272522, y = 648417.125, unitId = 17, }, -- end of [5] [6] = { alt = 763.59259033203, type = "Su-24M", country = 0, coalition = "red", x = -272674.21875, speed = 168.41293334961, heading = -0.13579025864601, y = 649433, unitId = 29, }, -- end of [6] [7] = { alt = 544.60845947266, type = "Su-24M", country = 0, coalition = "red", x = -276607.28125, speed = 255.58622741699, heading = -0.60104763507843, y = 652658.125, unitId = 30, }, -- end of [7] [8] = { alt = 1273.4020996094, type = "E-2C", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = -279031.46875, speed = 110.81071472168, heading = -4.6309471130371, y = 498600.5, unitId = 11, }, -- end of [8] [9] = { alt = 21.446001052856, type = "F/A-18C", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = -278473.46875, speed = 0, heading = -4.7548689842224, y = 489092.5, unitId = 20, }, -- end of [9] [10] = { alt = 21.446001052856, type = "F/A-18C", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = -278457.5625, speed = 0, heading = -4.7951159477234, y = 488999.3125, unitId = 21, }, -- end of [10] [11] = { alt = 4876.7998046875, type = "S-3B Tanker", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = -235587.5, speed = 138.88772583008, heading = -4.7053470611572, y = 539079.5625, unitId = 25, }, -- end of [11] [12] = { alt = 82.480606079102, type = "SH-60B", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = -279599.59375, speed = 46.98424911499, heading = -5.2563238143921, y = 486544.4375, unitId = 9, }, -- end of [12] [13] = { alt = 67.167098999023, type = "SH-60B", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = -277785.90625, speed = 5.9287238121033, heading = -4.7088069915771, y = 487546.21875, unitId = 10, }, -- end of [13] [14] = { alt = 2432.546875, type = "AV8BNA", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = -281611.6875, speed = 146.2998046875, heading = -4.7002248764038, y = 497321.90625, unitId = 5, }, -- end of [14] [15] = { alt = 2172.2497558594, type = "AV8BNA", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = -282250.59375, speed = 229.81144714355, heading = -4.9281144142151, y = 496723.46875, unitId = 22, }, -- end of [15] [16] = { alt = 1553.6499023438, type = "AV8BNA", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = -281983.875, speed = 213.47895812988, heading = -4.1232056617737, y = 493958.34375, unitId = 23, }, -- end of [16] [17] = { alt = 625.97717285156, type = "AV8BNA", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = -279377.34375, speed = 209.47845458984, heading = -3.7249281406403, y = 491183.96875, unitId = 24, }, -- end of [17] [18] = { y = 489033.09375, x = -278478.125, heading = -4.71812915802, unitId = 1, speed = 5.5555553436279, coalition = "blue", country = 2, type = "VINSON", }, -- end of [18] } -- end of world_state